Jennifer Riley
Christian Post Reporter
Rick Warren Gives Input on Economy, Prop 8
Purpose Driven Life Pastor Rick Warren weighed in on the economic downturn and President-elect Barack Obama\'s proposed plan to redistribute wealth during an interview this week.
Church Recovery Programs Effective, but Hard to Grow
An evangelical denomination reports that its churches are increasingly adding recovery ministries to their service list that are effectively changing lives. But the problem is these programs are difficult to grow.
Study: Poor Planning Impedes Small Church Progress
Small churches often get most of the equation right when it comes to making progress, but the one major mistake they make is poor planning, according to a recent study. LifeWay surveyed pastors of congregation that average fewer than 100 in primary worship attendance.
Survey: Blacks, Hispanics Forged 'Bulletproof' Alliance in Election
Not only did African-American and Hispanic voters vote overwhelmingly for now president-elect Barack Obama, but they did so with nearly no discrepancy between born-again and non-born again voters, a new survey shows.
China's Gov't-Approved Church Reaches Out to House Churches
The official church organization recognized by the Chinese government says it sympathizes with the country\'s house churches and is willing to provide them with Bibles.
Christians Worldwide to Pray for Persecuted Church on Sunday
Christians worldwide will pray for the persecuted church on Sunday with special emphasis this year on Christians in India and Iraq.
Dobson Admits to Struggling after Election
Christian right leader Dr. James Dobson said he is currently in a grieving process over the presidential election result, which he said is a huge setback for the pro-life movement.
Brazil Churches Begin Massive Evangelistic Outreach
Tens of thousands of churches in Brazil are joining forces to share the Gospel beginning Thursday as part of reportedly one of the largest Christian evangelistic outreaches in history.
Christians Respond to Obama as President
The diverse Christian body has, as expected, responded to news of Barack Obama\'s victory in the presidential election with mixed reaction – some congratulating, others wanting to put aside differences to work together, and still others insisting on challenging him when he takes office.
Next President Will Leave 'Indelible' Mark, Says Christian Lawyer
It\'s not just about four or eight years in office, but the next president will play a key role in the appointment of a number of Supreme Court justices that will leave an \"indelible\" mark on history, said a prominent Christian lawyer.