Jerry Newcombe
CP Op-Ed Contributor
Disappointed in election results but still grateful to be American
Despite some of the disappointments in last week’s election, I’m grateful to be an American. This month we celebrate Thanksgiving, when we remember the Pilgrims who came to this new land to celebrate religious freedom — something denied to them in their native England.
Who did Boston forget in its 400th anniversary prep?
The Puritans should be remembered, not maligned, for their indispensable contribution to America as a “city upon a hill.”
Is voting an obligation?
The only poll that counts is the one you cast at election time. Don’t sit this one out. As the late Bishop Harry Jackson once declared, “Too many people died for the right of all people in the nation to vote.”
What’s on the ballot in 2022?
There is much at stake for Christians and people of good will on the ballot this time around. It is a critical midterm election.
Christian considerations and the death penalty
There is a debate today over capital punishment. And that debate is taking place right now in Florida, particularly after the Parkland school shooter received a sentence of life, not death.
8 key myths about abortion
The Declaration of Independence says our rights come from the Creator and the first of these is the right to life. After a half-century of the abortion ethic, we have a lot of lost ground cherishing that right. Exploding myths that promote abortion is a step in the right direction.
Prayer helps to weather the storms of life
My wife stitched a needlework for our home that says, “Life is fragile. Handle with prayer.”
Is the Church in America dying?
But what Johnson and his co-authors, including the late Dr. Rodney Stark, argue is that many of the “Nones” might not be as irreligious as they would seem.
Are the 'woke' the new Pharisees?
The woke crowd are in effect the Pharisees of our day. They like to be regarded as the compassionate ones without any of the inconvenience actual compassion requires.
DOJ tramples on the Constitution
The United States under the Biden administration is using the force of government to harass the late Phyllis Schlafly’s group in Alabama.