Jerry Newcombe
CP Op-Ed Contributor
The end of the US … SR
We all have feet of clay. That’s why Christ died for sinners and makes Heaven available to all who believe in Him. But the sins of the American founding fathers pale in comparison to the sins of Lenin and Stalin.
Make 1984 fiction again
I saw a T-shirt recently that said, “Make ‘1984’ Fiction Again.” That’s a worthy goal. It’s good to hear of the dissolution of the “disinformation board,” which could have put into reality one aspect of what Orwell had written about. That dissolution is a step in the right direction.
The comeback of God in some Texas schools?
We took God out of our schools and reaped chaos, but perhaps now we can restore Him to His rightful place and bring peace. This Texas law seems to be a step in their right direction.
'Under God' is under attack … again
Even though it may seem like no big deal to drop the Pledge at these meetings, sadly, this is part of an on-going pattern to strip away any sense of our Judeo-Christian heritage.
Increasing inflation to fight inflation?
I remember hearing President Ronald Reagan say in 1984 that the Congress was spending money like drunken sailors. Then he added that he must apologize to the Navy men because at least the sailors were spending their own money. How much worse in 2022.
Falsely teaching our children that America is evil
What is America in its essence? Very simply this: self-rule under God. Both of those phrases are necessary for a free and prosperous future for our country. May God spare us from the propagandists who withhold that information from present and future generations.
Madison on the chopping block?
We will not move toward a positive future if we distort our past, as the woke mobs now does. As James Madison himself once said: “A well-instructed people alone can be permanently a free people.”
Why does the Left seem more committed to death than to life?
Crisis pregnancy centers are doing the Lord’s work, but today it is “open season” on them, thanks in part to the Marxist organization, “Jane’s Revenge.”
Homegrown evil and spiritual revival
What America needs so desperately is a true revival of the soul, lest the moral cancer of godlessness overpower us. Let’s pray for America, before it’s too late.
Lincoln down the memory hole?
American history is flawed. The founders didn’t get it all right, but they set up the framework by which our errors could be corrected. Above all, they gave us self-rule under God.