Jessica Martinez
CP Reporter
Ed Young Jr. Explains Why Christianity Is Not a Religion; Says Calling Jesus a 'Good Teacher' Is Intellectually Dishonest
Ed Young, pastor of the Texas-based, multi-campus Fellowship Church, explained in his Sunday sermon the difference between Christianity and other world religions to make the point that following Christ is not a religion but is rather based on a relationship.
U2's Bono Wrote Poem for Billy Graham Based on Preacher's Life Journey
U2 rock band leader, Bono, once wrote a poem for Billy Graham after visiting the retired evangelist in his home in the mountains of western North Carolina.
'Premarital Sex Is a Big Rip-off' Author: Porn Addiction Highest Ever Among Women, Including Married and Virgins
Young women are battling with pornography now more than ever, many of whom are married or girls who are still virgins, says Christian author and blogger Shellie R. Warren.
Pope Francis Conducts Wedding Ceremony for 20 Couples, Some Already Cohabiting
Pope Francis married 20 couples at the St.Peter's Basilica at the Vatican on Sunday, in an effort to have the Catholic Church become more forgiving in its view on premarital issues as some were already living together and had children.
Megachurch Pastor Perry Noble 'Loves Taking Church Offering;' Kicks Off 'The Church Just Wants Your Money' Sermon Series
Perry Noble admits that he loves taking the offering in church as much as he enjoys giving money because he does not see it as an obligation but rather as an opportunity. Moreover, he believes "there is not a better investment on the planet than the local church!"
Harry Potter Book Series More Influential Than the Bible, According to Facebook
A recent study conducted by Facebook revealed that author J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter" book series has been more influential in people's lives than the Bible.
God Has More for Cohabitating, Umarried Couples Than Splitting Rent, Groceries, Says Christian Writer
Cohabitating before marriage is a short-term solution for what God designed to be a long-term relationship, says a South Carolina-based blogger and writer for NewSpring Church.
Arkansas State University Removes Christian Cross From Football Helmets Honoring Deceased Students
Arkansas State University says it will be removing the Christian cross from football players' helmets after a complaint was filed claiming that it violates separation of church and state laws.
Florida Man Given 72 Hours to Live Walks, Talks; Wife Says They Expect Full Recovery
A Florida man is trusting God wholeheartedly for a complete miracle as he continues to progressively recover from a 2011 accident that left him severely injured with a diagnosis of 72 hours left to live.
Christine Caine Reveals She Had Cancer for Nearly Three Months; Says God Healed Her Body
International preacher, speaker and author Christine Caine recently revealed that she had been diagnosed with cancer.