Miles G. McPherson
Exclusive Columnist
Miles McPherson is the Senior Pastor of the Rock Church in San Diego. He is also a motivational speaker and author. McPherson's latest book “The Third Option” speaks out about the pervasive racial divisions in today’s culture and argues that we must learn to see people not by the color of their skin, but as God sees them—humans created in the image of God.
Website: https://milesmcpherson.com
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12 Spies in the Promised Land and Lesson on Faith
There's a heavy-duty lesson for us how the 12 spies reacted to the Promised Land. Remember, these 12 men traveled throughout the same land. They saw the same things. But they came to two very different conclusions.
God's Plan Is…YOU
Years ago, when I was a youth pastor in San Diego, my wife and I visited the juvenile detention center weekly. One day I got a call about a young man who needed someone to talk to. The teenager had a history of abuse by his dad, and the social worker asked if I would come and encourage him.
Church Is Not a Show; Finding the True Purpose of Sunday Service
Some people approach church in the same way they seek out new mobile phone carrier or cable provider. "Well, I'm just not getting what I need anymore. I think it's time to move on." If you approach church with a consumer mentality, you are selling yourself short. When the knowledge you hear in church remains between your ears and the worship becomes little more than a spectator sport, you are missing the point.
Jesus Is the Way, Even in Rush-Hour Traffic
Maybe you've experienced road rage where you live. Here in Southern California, nearly everyone has encountered something like it. What do you do when a complete stranger "flips out" on you? Do you meet them at their level? What does it take for you to lose your cool?
Looking Into the Moral Mirror
Has anyone ever questioned your integrity? Integrity means being the same on the inside as on the outside. Our daily life – our attitude, behavior and thoughts – should match our prayer life. Next time you pray, listen to yourself and compare it to your conversations with others or to the self-talk in your head.
No Time for Regrets: Investing in People and a Balanced Life Now
Clearly, Ruth did something right. She lived her life in service of others. Her biggest investment wasn't career or property or possessions – it was people. People are her living legacy.
Never Knew a Father's Love
Soon it will be the third Sunday in June. In the narrative of your life, is Father's Day something you celebrate…or is it more like, "Happy I Survived My Father Day," or maybe the day you sit and wonder, "Where in the world is my Father Today?"
When Prayer Seems Like Not Enough
David has been using since he was eleven. Different substances, same result. Now forty years old, he's still battling unseen demons, replaying the brutality of his lost childhood, waiting for a day when the pain will stop.
Is Your Life Defined by What You Give or Take?
You've probably heard this from your mother – or maybe your grandmother: "It is better to give than to receive." But did you ever truly adopt that philosophy? Is your life defined by your "gives" or your "gets"?
Talk to Strangers: God Puts People in Our Path for a Purpose
Is it just me, or do you agree that something valuable has been lost now that a huge portion of human communication is so impersonal? Are we forgetting how to relate to one another the old-school way: face to face and person to person?