Oscar Amaechina

Oscar Amaechina

Op-ed Contributor


  • In everything, strive for the secret things of God

    In everything, strive for the secret things of God

    He has kept the knowledge of the times and seasons in His own power for His glory. There are certain secrets that we cannot access. But there are others that He is willing to reveal to us when we search for it in faith.

  • Strive for the food that doesn't perish

    Strive for the food that doesn't perish

    Let us lift our eyes to the fields of the streets of America, the towns of Europe, and the villages of Africa. Many are perishing for lack of the true bread of life. If we belong to Christ, we know that the Spirit of Christ is the Spirit of evangelism, not procrastination and fear.

  • Why believers should be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit

    Why believers should be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit

    A quiet time in the presence of the Holy Spirit daily and constant awareness of the need of the Holy Spirit’s directives in all we do, will inevitably help us to develop our spiritual nervous system which will enable us to respond positively to the Spirit’s prompting.

  • What Christians should pray for in times of persecution

    What Christians should pray for in times of persecution

    At the end of the day, the risks that we take to reach the unreached can’t be compared with the risks of leaving them unevangelized.

  • Affliction separates the chosen from the called

    Affliction separates the chosen from the called

    Christians are distinguished people, but anyone who wants to be chosen among the distinguished must be ready to pass through sufferings, trials, and tribulations for the sake of Christ.

  • Christians should be careful not to speak against the Holy Spirit

    Christians should be careful not to speak against the Holy Spirit

    We should not be too familiar with God to the extent of taking His words for granted. Hiding this warning of Christ in our hearts and exercising caution is a sure way of escape from this unpardonable sin.

  • Who will be qualified to hear ‘well done, my good and faithful servant’?

    Who will be qualified to hear ‘well done, my good and faithful servant’?

    Some are given the responsibility to go to the mission fields, some are given the responsibility to support the goers with resources, while some are saddled with the responsibility to pray for the success of missionary work. If we are all carrying out these assignments faithfully, we can all rest assured that we are carrying out Jesus’ mission for our lives.

  • What Christians should do to prevail in this perilous time

    What Christians should do to prevail in this perilous time

    We should covet this privilege of being led by the Spirit of God. If we are to prevail in the world, we must live for the glory of God.  

  • Why Christians need to know and pray for the Igbos in Nigeria

    Why Christians need to know and pray for the Igbos in Nigeria

    I passionately ask that intercession be made on their behalf by Christians all over the world. God who delivered the Israelites from the Egyptians can do likewise for the Igbos.

  • Does God prosper His worshipers?

    Does God prosper His worshipers?

    Whatever God decides to give is His prerogative and should be accepted without complaints. He knows our needs more than we do. All we need to do is to prioritize and seek His kingdom.