Oscar Amaechina

Oscar Amaechina

Op-ed Contributor


  • Should pastors handover ministries to their children?

    Should pastors handover ministries to their children?

    I am asking this question genuinely. Since I am planning to handover my ministry to my son one day, I have been thinking about this issue more often these days.

  • House church model can save struggling churches

    House church model can save struggling churches

    Can the concept of house church save struggling churches from closing down?

  • Why struggling churches should merge with healthy churches

    Why struggling churches should merge with healthy churches

    I strongly believe that churches coming together will inevitably save small churches from extinction and advance the expansion of the Gospel worldwide.

  • Ministers of the Gospel, be careful not to share God's glory

    Ministers of the Gospel, be careful not to share God's glory

    Pastors are not gods but mere mortals, and no matter the anointing of God upon anyone’s life, no mortal is qualified to share in God’s glory.

  • Beware of fake, manipulative pastors

    Beware of fake, manipulative pastors

    Believers should be as wise as serpent in a perilous time like this. Let us be careful not to develop itching ears. When Christians are not grounded in the Word, they can easily be swayed by every wind of doctrine.

  • Has Christ been divided into factions?

    Has Christ been divided into factions?

    Jesus prayed that we may be one. Are we not supposed to be deliberately involved in building the bond of unity even in our diversity?

  • Queen Elizabeth II was a great evangelist

    Queen Elizabeth II was a great evangelist

    She fought a good fight; she finished the race and kept the faith. Rest in peace, your majesty. Congratulations as you wait to wear your crown of soul-winning, which the Lord has prepared for you.

  • Should Christians preach Christ while doing charity?

    Should Christians preach Christ while doing charity?

    Every Christian work should be carried in the spirit of sharing Christ. Our faith must be made manifest in our act of charity and should not be mistaken for philanthropy. When the beneficiaries of Christian charity receive our packs, they should feel the spirit of Christ and understand who is motivating us to do what we do.

  • Why Christians should covet the full anointing of the Holy Spirit

    Why Christians should covet the full anointing of the Holy Spirit

    Believers must crave for sanctification which can only be provided by the Holy Spirit. It is an error and a deception to live a life of divided anointing. Power without holiness leads to destruction, and holiness without power leads to self-righteousness.

  • Sacrificial love that spreads goodness in the world

    Sacrificial love that spreads goodness in the world

    It should be a privilege to give ourselves wholeheartedly to the work that lies so close to His heart. There is increasing need for workers outside the Church who will make it their lives' ambition to transverse villages, cities, towns and nations with the Gospel and love of Christ.