Sarah Freymuth

Sarah Freymuth


  • The pitfalls of perfection

    The pitfalls of perfection

    Don’t get tangled in the web of this world; in Christ, you are free. Live out of this today.

  • What are we longing for?

    What are we longing for?

    He has chosen you to be His son or daughter, and in His eyes, when you come to Him through His Son Jesus Christ, you are forever on His team and accepted into His family. You were created to belong in this family.

  • Breaking barriers: Jesus’s radical way of loving

    Breaking barriers: Jesus’s radical way of loving

    When Jesus lived out His ministry on earth, He purposefully sought out those who were on the fringes of society, the ones cast as lost causes and less-than. Jesus met them where they were and elevated them in His love.

  • Get moving: Commit to the mission

    Get moving: Commit to the mission

    Remember: we’ve been training for this. We have the tools we need and the power of God to lead and support us. God’s got us; we can live committed.

  • Still certain in times of uncertainty

    Still certain in times of uncertainty

    When God made the earth and set it in motion, He didn’t just leave it to run on its own; He’s been involved and aware every step of the way. He is unchanging, wise and holds all things in His capable hands.

  • The case for accountability in contemporary culture

    The case for accountability in contemporary culture

    As Scripture and prayer are pivotal pieces to a life in Christ, accountability is also key. It keeps us connected to people, strengthens our resolve in trying times and brings encouragement when we are down.