Stephanie Samuel
Christian Post Reporter
(Interview) Francis and Lisa Chan: We're Not Perfect Christians; Every Day We Fight for an Ounce of Holiness
You and Me Forever: Marriage in Light of Eternity co-authors Francis Chan and his wife, Lisa, insist that they wrestle with fear and selfishness just like everyone else despite the public putting them on a pedestal after they left the stability, comfort and spotlight of leading a California megachurch in 2010 to surrender to God and let Him call them anywhere in the world and do anything He wants.
Francis Chan: Church Wastes Too Much Time Waiting on God's Voice; Christians Getting Too Fat on the Word
The Church wastes too much time waiting for a word from God, says New York Times bestselling author and popular pastor Francis Chan. Christians should instead be more active in translating the knowledge they have into action rather than languishing in fear and indecision.
Dating Styles of Megachurch Pastor's Kids: Rock Church Pastor Teaches Children to Detect 'Counterfeit' Christians
The Rock Church's Marriage and Parenting Pastor Darren Carrington says parents need to teach their children from an early age about dating and marriage so they can spot "counterfeit" Christians who attend church but show no spiritual growth.
Q&A With Matt Chandler: The First 7 Years of My Marriage Were Tough; Loving Relationships Take Discipline
Texas megachurch pastor Matt Chandler says the way the world defines marriage is "unbiblical" and "unhealthy", yet far too many young Christians are following after the cultural standards of love. This reality prompted the Village Church leader to offer biblical insights on dating, courtship and marriage from the Song of Solomon in his recently released book Mingling of Souls.
Ala. Megachurch Pastor David Platt: Sex Trafficking Opponents Need to Stop Watching Porn, Which Fuels Prostitution
Pastor and Counter Culture author David Platt said society cannot effectively fight sex trafficking until it examines its own pornography use.
So. Baptist Pastor David Platt: Christians Shouldn't Single Out Gay Lifestyle When Defending Marriage, Risk Being Guilty of 'Selective Moral Outrage'
Pastor and author David Platt said it is a "mystery" why some people have same-sex attractions, but we all rebel against God in one way or another and we all need to be reconciled with Him.
Ala. Megachurch Pastor David Platt: I Once Avoided Talking About Abortion, but It Was a God Issue Long Before Being Political
Pastor and author David Platt said he once avoided speaking out about abortion. Now he warns Christians who are silent on the issue that they do not have the option of picking and choosing which social issues to support.
Faith Crashers: Was the Apostle Paul a Misogynist?
By today's standards it may appear that the Apostle Paul was prejudiced against women when he wrote in Ephesians for wives to submit themselves to their husbands. However Southern Evangelical Seminary President Richard Land said Paul was actually ahead of his time, establishing equality between the sexes in marriage.
Hookers for Jesus Founder on Women's Fantasy: Your Ultimate Romantic Interest Is Jesus Christ
For most of her life, former stripper and prostitute Annie Lobert sought a man to swoop into her life and rescue her from the hardships of growing up in a broken home, just like in the fairy tales. Now the founder of Hookers for Jesus, a ministry for sex workers, Lobert says too many women are placing their hopes for love and security in the wrong place.
Megachurch Pastor Matt Chandler Says Modern Dating Trend Is 'Goofy,' Plans to Teach Kids 'Traditional Dating' Style
Texas pastor Matt Chandler, of The Village Church, says the way singles date these days is "goofy" and that he plans to teach his three children to go the "traditional dating" route.