
11 companies that are scaling back DEI, LGBT advocacy

iStock/Vera Tikhonova
iStock/Vera Tikhonova

Ford Motor Company

In an Aug. 28 X post, Starbuck shared the contents of an email sent out by the American automobile manufacturer Ford Motor Company.

The email contained an assurance that "Ford does not utilize hiring quotas or tie compensation to the achievement of specific diversity goals" and a promise that "we will not use quotas for minority dealerships or suppliers."

"We made the decision early this year to stop participating in external culture surveys such as the Human Rights Campaign's Corporate Equality Index and various 'best places to work' lists," Ford CEO Jim Farley added in the memo.

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As was the case with Jack Daniel's and Lowe's, Starbuck maintained that he was "in the middle" of exposing "woke policies" at the company when it signaled its plans to make changes. 

Ryan Foley is a reporter for The Christian Post. He can be reached at:

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