Anne Graham Lotz: 'America Is Disintegrating Into Anarchy; Political Correctness Is Rejecting God'

Evangelist Anne Graham Lotz has warned that the United States is "unraveling" and "disintegrating" into anger and anarchy, due in part to its "rejection of God."
Lotz, the daughter of world renowned evangelist Billy Graham who last year became National Day of Prayer Task Force chairman, told The Biblical Recorder in an interview on Monday that prayer is of crucial importance to America.
"We need God. Our nation is unraveling ... disintegrating into anger, anarchy, division. The polarization seems to be paralyzing our government. There seems to be little civil discourse and lots of chaos and confusion. At the same time, we are being threatened by terrorists who are dedicated to destroying us," Lotz, the founder and president of AnGeL Ministries based in Raleigh, North Carolina, said in the interview.
"God has promised to hear us, forgive us and heal us on the condition that we pray. Therefore prayer is essential. It is not an option, it is a necessity," she added.
Responding to questions about whether the NDP promotes nationalism over Christian ideals, she said: "There have been times when the confusion has been understandable. Yet, as a nation, we seem to have lost our identity. We are one nation, under God. Not just any god. But the living God. The Creator. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The Father of Jesus Christ."
The Christian author emphasized that America's motto is "In God We Trust," but added that "in our rhetoric, our political correctness, our desire to be inclusive and tolerant, and even in some of our legislation, we are rejecting the God of our fathers, abandoning His moral laws, principles, and values."
"God clearly warns us that if we forsake Him, He will forsake us. I believe God is in the process of removing His hand of blessing from America," she added.
Lotz noted that while she was raised as a Presbyterian growing up, she took on a new path after she married her late husband, Danny Lotz, the son of a Baptist preacher.
"From day one of our life together, he took me to a Baptist church. In the 49 years of our marriage, we were members in Chapel Hill, Durham and Raleigh. My husband helped to plant two churches. I currently attend one of those churches," the evangelist said.
"Because of my caregiving and travel schedule, I've been unable to be as involved at this season of my life as I would like. But there is no substitute for being a part of a church fellowship. I love the church," she added.
Lotz has long warned that God is "backing away" from America, and in a May 2016 interview said: "We're losing His favor, His blessing, and that is what grieves me, and the answer to that, if that's so, is not a political solution, it's not economics or military or education. The answer is — Joel 2 in the Bible says — to rend our hearts and return to God and cry out to Him for His mercy. I think that's where we are."
At the end of November she also shared with her Facebook followers that her parents, Ruth and Billy Graham, were very intentional about her growing up with a faith in Jesus.
"They did not leave the instruction of biblical trust to the pastor or Sunday school teacher or visiting evangelist to carry out. They did not assume that just because I was their child I would somehow 'catch faith' like a contagious disease," she said.