Christian contestant breaks silence on sin and sex in Twitter spat with 'Bachelorette' star

This season of “The Bachelorette” with Hannah Brown featured polarizing Christian contestant Luke Parker, known as Luke P, and after he was sent home on Monday’s episode following his comments on sex, he and the bachelorette continued their disagreement on social media.
ABC aired the episode it teased all season which featured Luke P telling Hannah B what he thinks about sex and her response is now being considered the “most explosive” moment of the season.
In the “fantasy suites” episode of season 15 of “The Bachelorette,” Luke P tells Hannah B, whom he expressed his love for, that he wants a wife that believes what he believes when it comes to sex, which is found in Hebrews 13:4.
“Let's talk about sex and how the marriage bed should be kept pure,” the 24-year-old, who traded his player ways to follow Christ, told Hannah B.
“Let’s say you have had sex with one or multiple of these guys, I would be wanting to go home,” Luke P admitted.
Hannah B, also a professing Christian, immediately took offense to Luke P’s comments and confessed that she has had “physical relations” with some of the other contestants but “Jesus stills loves her.”
They went on and had a full conversation about sex outside of marriage as a sin and what she called his pride. She used the example of the woman caught in adultery and said his comments made her feel like he was someone standing over her with a stone. Hannah B eventually sent him home and flipped him off as he drove on but that is not where the discussion finished.
On Tuesday night, both continued the back and forth.
“The difference in how we view sin is seen in the response, I’m weeping at mine and you’re laughing at yours. All sin stings. My heart hurts for both of us,” Luke P tweeted Hannah B after watching the episode.
She responded, “Time and time again Jesus loved and ate with ‘sinners’ who laughed and time and time again he rebuked ‘saints’ that judged. where do you fall Luke?
“There is a difference between eating with sinners who laugh and sinners who laugh at their sin. Sin is the very thing that put Jesus on the cross and that’s not a laughing matter,” the Georgia native replied to Hannah B on Twitter.
The Bachelorette proceeded to tell Luke P that she refuses to take advice from someone who allowed his temper to get the best of him to the point where he threw baloney on another contestant’s lap while on the show.
“The devil wants to shame sin. God dealt with shame when he dealt with sin, so I will not allow someone who comes in the name of God to bring me something that God has taken off me,” she defended.
Luke P has been pegged the season “villain” by the other contestants and mainstream media. Although he spoke of his personal convictions and hopes for his future bride, she took his remarks as condemning and disrespectful.
“It hurt my heart that @alabamahannah felt I was shaming her,” he wrote in a post on Instagram.
“In our conversation, my heart was never to judge or condemn Hannah. I was simply making a decision for myself on what I expected in our relationship, our conversations and our beliefs led me to believe we were on the same page about sex. For me it was never about getting a rose, it was always about finding a wife who would choose me everyday just as I would choose her every day."
Luke P went on to say that he has seen his character flaws while watching back the reality series and is “broken” about it.
“I didn’t totally behave as the man I want to be and I did not represent Christ the way I thought I was prepared to and that has broken me,” Luke P admitted.
He concluded by saying, “This journey has taught me so much and for that I am grateful but the greatest gift I have received is a compassion for those who love the world and it’s ways. My desire is to put the Father first above all things and share the truth that he has given to us all.”
Luke P ended the statement with the hashtag ”#faithfuloverfamous.”
As seen in a trailer for the upcoming episode of “The Bachelorette,” Luke P tries one more attempt to win over Hannah B's heart in the finale but she responds the same.
An article written by Pastor Bucky Kennedy, someone who knows Luke P, went in further detail about the pair's discussion concerning premarital sex.
"In my opinion, Luke and Hannah chose to participate in something for which neither was spiritually or emotionally prepared. Both are under a social media microscope and each has been called 'a bad Christian' by other believers as well as those outside of Christianity," he stated.