
'Cobra Kai' YouTube Red Series News: Daniel Makes Fun of Johnny in Latest Trailer

The highly-anticipated YouTube Red series, "Cobra Kai," has been aggressive in its marketing, providing yet another teaser trailer that has generated hype for "Karate Kid" fans. This time, the very brief trailer focuses more on how the protagonist of the films deals with the resurgence of the dojo he had once defeated.

In the latest teaser trailer, Daniel Larusso, played by Ralph Macchio, is, apparently, not happy with the fact that Johnny Lawrence, played by William Zabka, is working on putting the Cobra Kai dojo up once more. The two squared off against one another in the final moments of the first "Karate Kid" film, which explains Daniel's reluctance to allow the merciless teachings and style of the Cobra Kai dojo to perpetuate once more.

The trailer reveals that Daniel has done very well for himself, and appears to be a content and successful man. Despite this, he is still very adamant in stopping Johnny from teaching martial arts.

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However, fans may see a very different Daniel in the upcoming YouTube Red series. In the final moments of the trailer, Johnny is seen paying Daniel a visit. Daniel mentions to his friends that once upon a time, he beat Johnny in a fight and corrected their preconceived notion by stating that he actually kicked him in the face — which is a nod to his final move in the original "Karate Kid" film.

This has led others to believe that despite Johnny maintaining his ruthless perspective in practicing the martial arts, perhaps Daniel did not turn out as benevolent as fans may have thought. Due to the defeat that Johnny suffered by Daniel's hand, he may have harbored a lot of resentment in the years that followed. It is possible that Daniel may actually be the antagonist of the upcoming "Cobra Kai" series.

"Cobra Kai" is scheduled to be released sometime this year on YouTube Red.

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