Heartbreaking Anti-Bullying Message by Middle-Schooler Keaton Jones Inspires Celebrities

A video of a "friendless" young schoolboy in Tennessee about being bullied for being "ugly" has gone viral, and caused many celebrities to say they are inspired by him and express solidarity.
"Just out of curiosity, why do they bully?" Keaton Jones, a student from Maynardville asks in the video posted by his mother on her Facebook page on Friday. The video has been viewed about 20 million times.
"What's the point of it? Why do you find joy in taking innocent people and finding a way to be mean to them? It's not okay. It's not okay! People that are different don't need to be criticized about it. It's not their fault."
He adds, "They make fun of my nose. They call me ugly. They say I have no friends."
Soon, messages of support from celebrities started pouring in on social media.
"Stay strong, Keaton," wrote Captain America actor and filmmaker Chris Evans on Twitter. "Don't let them make you turn cold. I promise it gets better. While those punks at your school are deciding what kind of people they want to be in this world, how would you and your mom like to come to the Avengers premiere in LA next year?"
Taylor Lewan, an offensive tackle for the Tennessee Titans of the NFL, offered to be Keaton's bodyguard. And Dana White, businessman and the president of the largest mixed martial arts organization Ultimate Fighting Championship, offered to fly Keaton to Vegas.
Russell Moore, president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, wrote on Twitter: "There are lots of us standing with you Keaton. Most importantly, Jesus loves you, and I believe the good news that he'll get this last word on this."
English professional boxer Anthony Fowler wrote, "I hope all the young boys an girls who follow me see this video, An they help anyone out in school you see getting bullied, kids don't realize the damage their doing, don't just like this video, repost it."
Actor and filmmaker Mark Ruffalo, who plays the Hulk, tweeted, "Little buddy, I was bullied when I was a kid. You are right #ItGetsBetter! You are my own personal super hero. Protect Yo Heart. You got a pal in the Hulk."
Actor, voice actor and writer Mark Hamill, who plays Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars franchise, wrote, "They're just jealous because you're so smart & handsome."
Actor and singer Hailee Steinfeld posted a video on Twitter, saying, "Hey Keaton…I just wanted to say I think you are amazing…I would love for you to be my date to the Pitch Perfect 3 premiere on Tuesday."
Kimberly Jones, the boy's mother, wrote on her post carrying Keaton's message: "My kids are by no stretch perfect, and at home, he's as all boy as they come, but by all accounts he's good at school. Talk to your kids. I've even had friends of mine tell me kids were only nice to him to get him to mess with people. We all know how it feels to want to belong, but only a select few know how it really feels not to belong anywhere."
This is Keaton Jones, he lives in Knoxville and he has a little something to say about bullying.pic.twitter.com/coyQxFp33V
— Everything TN (@Everything_TN) December 9, 2017