Kindergarten Teacher Hosts 'Gender Transition Ceremony' During Class for 5-Y-O; Kids Traumatized

Update: [8/31/17]
Rocklin Academy released a statement to CP this week, clarifying that a "ceremony" or "celebration" of a student's gender transition did not take place, though the kindergartener's transition did occur at school.
"The teacher simply read a children's book brought in by a kindergarten student to share with the class. For 16 years children have been encouraged to bring in books to read in classes, as a means of sparking interest in reading and writing. The gender transition of the student had occurred before the day the book was read. Whether or not this book was read, the topic itself would have come up. The school has neither encouraged nor discouraged the transition of any student. When a student does transition, we will comply with all state and federal laws."
A California public charter school is coming under fire because of a kindergarten teacher who hosted what some have called a "gender transition ceremony" during her class, traumatizing kids.
At the Sacramento-area Rocklin Academy Gateway, a kindergarten teacher reintroduced a 5-year-old boy to the class as a girl. The boy is reportedly undergoing transition to become a girl. Because lessons in "gender identity" do not fall under the umbrella of sex ed, the opt-out and parental consent laws do not apply, according to local reports.
This lesson took place just days before summer break began and local parents are considering legal action. But in response to growing anger among parents, the school said that if it does not accommodate these transgender students it will be vulnerable to lawsuits.
That week, the teacher read "I am Jazz" and "The Red Crayon," two children's books aimed at explaining transgenderism to kids ages 4 to 8.
"From the time she was two years old, Jazz knew that she had a girl's brain in a boy's body," is a line in the book "I am Jazz."
Jonathan Keller, president of the California Family Council, told LifeSiteNews Monday that the teacher later "put on this more-or-less transition ceremony" for this transitioning child.
The teacher introduced the 5-year-old student to the class as a boy, and then he entered the bathroom and came out dressed as a girl. The teacher then told the rest of the children that their classmate was now a "girl," saying that "she" had a girl's name and they were instructed to call "her" that from that point on.
Keller told LifeSiteNews that as a result of this, some kids were "really deeply emotionally bothered and traumatized."
"There were several of the little girls that went to their parents and were crying and saying, 'mommy or daddy, am I going to turn into a boy?'"
Some students are now even beginning to ask if they can dress as the opposite gender.
The mainstreaming of a self-determined gender identity has been increasing in recent years, particularly in public schools.
As part of The Christian Post's larger series on transgenderism, David Pickup, a licensed marriage and family therapist, said parents can indeed push back against this when asked what could be done when students are taught this is normal, particularly when they do not have the means to switch schools.
"A parent can compassionately and firmly insist that the school educate properly, which means that the parents will need to have all their facts and research points in a row, which is easy to do with licensed doctors or therapists, before they insist that ALL sides of these issues are taught," Pickup said in an interview with The Christian Post.
"The parents can also go through the PTA to get this done. They key is good change management through listening and communication skills in which the parent is seen as compassionate and competent in revealing these issues."