Most Americans say homelessness is getting worse, notice rise over last 2 years: report

Despite the federal government allocating billions of dollars to battle homelessness, the problem is only getting worse and more Americans are noticing the rise in the homeless population in their communities.
Rasmussen Reports released the results of a national survey that found 92% of Americans believe homelessness is a serious problem in the country, and 65% say the problem is “very serious.”
Only 6% of participants think homelessness is not a serious issue. The report also notes that perception of the problem has increased since February 2021, when 55% of those surveyed said the problem of homelessness was “very serious.”
Sixty-eight percent of American adults surveyed believe the issue has worsened within the past two years, while 19% think the problem has not changed much in the past two years. Only 8% said that they think the issue has improved.
Twenty-eight percent of Americans see the problem as the federal government’s responsibility, while 40% think it’s the state’s duty to handle it. Sixteen percent say it’s a local responsibility, and another 16% said that they’re uncertain.
The report drew from a survey of 1,000 adults conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC, online and by phone on Sept. 26-27, with a margin of sampling error of +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% confidence level.
In August, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announced that it would provide $2.8 billion in competitive funding to homeless service organizations throughout the country.
“Every person deserves to live with dignity and security in safe, stable, and affordable home,” HUD Secretary Marcia L. Fudge said in the announcement.
“Coupled with the historic resources in President Biden’s American Rescue Plan, the Continuum of Care Program grants made available by HUD today will help more Americans experiencing homelessness move into homes and access critical supportive services like health care, education, and job training."
Fudge went on to say that “HUD and the Administration continue to prioritize equity in homelessness efforts and the humane treatment of people experiencing unsheltered homelessness, and the funding announced today will help communities do just that."
The funding opportunity is also intended to support local engagement in an effort to increase the availability of affordable housing, boost the housing supply and lower costs.
The competitive funding is awarded through HUD’s Continuum of Care Program, which is the largest source of federal grant funding for homeless services and housing programs.
HUD also stated that it funds approximately 7,000 homeless services projects annually through the Continuum of Care Program, noting that nearly 400 Continuum of Care communities apply for a Notice of Funding Opportunity.
For Fiscal Year 2022, access for Indian Tribes and Tribally Designated Housing entities was expanded, allowing them to establish Continuum of Care Communities and serve as Collaborative Applicants.
In addition, the NOFO sets aside funding for domestic abuse and sexual assault victims, offering to provide at least $52 million for new rapid re-housing and other critical support services.
Samantha Kamman is a reporter for The Christian Post. She can be reached at: