Pastor William McDowell Says No One Deserves Revival But It's Happening: Over 200 Recorded Healings

ORLANDO — World-renowned worship leader William McDowell, who now pastors Deeper Fellowship Church, based in Orlando, Florida, penned a new book, titled It's Happening, as a way to document the supernatural phenomena currently taking place in his congregation.
According to McDowell and his team, Deeper Fellowship has been experiencing a "tremendous move of God" for more than a year now starting in 2016. They've documented over 200 miracles in which they've witnessed physical healings in addition to deliverance, supernatural breakthrough, and salvation. They have begun collecting crutches, wheelchairs, and other medical devices at the altar of the church because "people are being healed."
"I had to write the book because testimony creates faith for the future and it also brings glory to God," McDowell told The Christian Post in a recent interview. "I think for us to be experiencing what we're experiencing and not tell it would be a disservice to what the Lord is doing."
In his book, which is now available, McDowell "pinpoints what revival is, why we should desire it, and how it is happening now," the book's description states. "It's Happening shows how revival awakens the church to the reality, presence, and power of God."

In the reading, McDowell shares the miracles he's been witnessing in his ministry, Deeper Fellowship Church, which just celebrated its four year anniversary.
"I know there are other ministries that experience healings, I know that there are other ministries that experience revival culture and things of that nature — so it's not that we don't feel like it's not happening anywhere," McDowell told CP.
"I feel like there has to be a group of people that are willing to amplify what the Lord is doing in the earth. And as we could utilize our platform to amplify what the Lord is doing, we had to," he added. "Even if we didn't have this platform, I had to write this [book]."
When asked for his honest reaction to all the supernatural things he's experiencing, the young pastor expressed humble gratitude.
"I'm blown away because no one deserves revival. I think revival is a manifestation of the grace and mercy of God. I'm grateful, I'm humbled, I am astounded, I'm amazed — I'm all of those things together because none of us can make this happen on our own," he explained.
McDonnell pegged what's happening in his ministry, what some theologians would call "the scandal of particularity," which he said means that God might choose a place even though there may be better places.
He referenced the story of Nahum from the Bible and how the prophet instructed him to go to the Jordan River despite there being better bodies of water he could have instructed him to go to.
"I know that there are better-organized places and better buildings and better staff and better this and better that but for whatever reason, the Lord has decided that because of a cry that we've had, that He's going to answer it," McDowell maintained.
"I think it's important for people to remain intimately acquainted with all the reasons on why He shouldn't," he continued. "Remember that revival isn't something that could be earned or deserved [but instead] it's a flow of God's grace and mercy."
Despite being a highly-esteemed award-winning worship leader and pastoring a thriving ministry, McDowell said he stays very conscious of his sin and weaknesses.
"What you discover about intimacy with God is that the closer divinity gets to humanity, the more humanity realizes its frailty," he said. He then shared a message for those who lose sight of that – "Unfortunately, pride is a sign of not being with Him."
The church does not call any of their meetings a "healing service." They are just witnessing what they call the manifestation of God because they are submitting to the flow of what He is doing, the pastor said.
When asked what McDowell would tell skeptics who do not believe in these kind of healing testimonies, he reiterated what he says in his book: "The level of outpouring you experience is directly connected with the level of surrender and truth you are willing to walk in with God."
The Orlando pastor doesn't believe what's happening can be packaged or contained in a formula form. He admitted doing that would be a sign of people trying to put their hands on the move of God and controlling it.
"He can't be controlled, so the prayer for us is that we would stay in a posture that He continues the outpouring, that it create a culture of revival that's sustainable and then as a result of that sustainable culture, that it spreads."
He hopes It's Happening would be to others what the book God Chasers was to him 20 years ago — motivation to go deeper and want more in their walk with God.
"Hearing about a move of God that's possible, that's greater than what you've been experiencing, God uses things like this to awaken everybody, to stir up another generation to stir a sleeping generation and challenge the new generation that there's more. We cannot live in a stupor, this sleeping while awake state," he added.
"God does stuff like this to create righteous envy, righteous envy is what God uses when He blesses or does something for someone else to cause you to want it so that you'll pray for the thing He wants you to have."
The pastor quoted Romans where it describes God integrating gentiles into the tree and breaking off branches. He highlighted that God did that in order to make His people jealous and he hopes that same righteous envy is stirred up in everyone that reads all that is taking place since Deeper Fellowship Church cried out for greater without limitations.
The book was released on the heels of his latest album Sounds of Revival. He admitted that he does not know what God will do next but his church is praying for increase — not just in their church.
"The prayer is that the Lord would use what He's doing to touch the Earth, that it would spread, that it'd be contagious. That's the prayer!"
For more information on It's Happening, click HERE.