Planned Parenthood Annual Report: More Abortions, Fewer Health Services, More Gov't Funding

Planned Parenthood has finally released its much anticipated annual report which shows that not only has the nation's largest abortion provider increased its abortion output and profit in the last year but also performed fewer cancer screenings, STD testing and other health services while accepting more federal funding than ever before.
After months of anticipation, Planned Parenthood finally released its 2015-2016 annual report to the public this week and pro-life advocates believe they now have even more data to show why the abortion giant needs to stripped of its federal funding.
Although Planned Parenthood generally releases its annual report toward the beginning of the year, some pro-lifers believe the release of this year's report was delayed for strategic reasons, considering Planned Parenthood was and still is in danger of losing its more than $500 million in annual federal funding because of Republican lawmakers that want to reallocate Medicaid funds away from Planned Parenthood to qualified health clinics.
Planned Parenthood maintains that the federal funds its receives is not used for abortions but to provide cancer screenings, contraception and other health services. However, the data in the newly released annual report shows that the abortion giant served 100,000 fewer women in 2015-2016 than it did in the previous reporting period.
The report shows that Planned Parenthood also performed fewer breast examinations, HPV vaccinations, colposcopy and cryotherapy procedures, vasectomies, female sterilization procedures, pap tests and cancer screenings.
"Planned Parenthood's new report reveals that abortions, taxpayer funding, and profit have all gone up. Meanwhile its cancer screenings, basic breast exams, prenatal services, and even customers have decreased," Arina Grossu, the director of the Center for Human Dignity at the Family Research Council, said in a statement.
"Last year, America's largest abortion chain committed 328,348 abortions, over 4,300 more abortions than it committed in 2014-2015. Both its government funding ($554.6 million) and total revenue ($1.354 billion) in 2016 is the highest in its history," she continued. "It also made more than $77 million in profit, $19 million more than the year prior."
According to Grossu, the number of cancer screenings performed by Planned Parenthood in the last year has dropped in half since 2011, meaning that abortions now "outnumber basic breast exams for the first time in its history." Meanwhile, prenatal services have also dropped nearly in half in the last year.
"The bottom line is that Planned Parenthood is getting more government funding and committing more abortions than ever before, while continuing to decrease in key services to women such as cancer screenings, breast exams, and prenatal services," Grossu added. "This sham organization's focus is increasingly on higher abortion numbers and higher profits. Why are we continuing to hand over half a billion dollars in taxpayer money to an organization that kills America's unborn children at record rates while lining their pockets with more than $77 million in profit?"
According to the pro-life advocacy group Susan B. Anthony List, the report shows that total number of cancer screenings, prevention services, pap tests and breast exams have all dropped nearly in half over the last five years. Meanwhile, contraceptive services are down by 18 percent and STI/STD prevention and treatment services are down by nearly 5 percent and Planned Parenthood's total services are down by nearly 13 percent in that time period.
It should be noted that Planned Parenthood still does not conduct any mammograms.
"Women are turning away from abortion giant Planned Parenthood," SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser said in a statement. "Over the past five years, despite increased taxpayer funding, their client load has dropped by 600,000, cancer screenings are down nearly 50 percent and contraceptive services are down nearly 20 percent."
According to Americans United for Life President Catherine Glenn Foster, the fact that the data shows that many of Planned Parenthood's health services have decreased while the organization made more in profit than it did the year before "reveals that abortion continues to be a big business for the nation's number one abortion chain."
"Abortion is not healthcare, and American women deserve better," Foster said in a statement. "Despite reports that the number of abortions performed in the United States is declining, Planned Parenthood once again reports an increase in the number of human lives ended in their facilities. ... Additionally, despite their repeated claims that American women rely on them for life-saving health care services, many of their non-abortion services have continued to decrease."
"Over the past few years, we have consistently seen the nation's number one abortion chain callously attempting to corner the abortion market, while fighting in the courts and legislatures to keep medical standards low and profits high," Foster continued. "As AUL detailed in our groundbreaking report Unsafe, dangerous conditions and a lack of concern for safety standards are present inside Planned Parenthood facilities across the country. The greatest irony in this report is that Planned Parenthood tries to claim credit for reports of a declining abortion rate, when every move they make is about making it easier to end unborn life, no matter how much women may suffer."