
Rev. Al Sharpton to Host 'Politics Nation' on MSNBC

Rev. Al Sharpton has been confirmed to host “Politics Nation” on MSNBC. Sharpton will replace Cenk Uygur, who left in July and take over the 6 p.m. slot beginning next Monday, Aug. 29.

Upon the decision Sharpton expressed in a statement, "I am very happy and honored to join the MSNBC team as we collectively try to get America to 'Lean Forward.”

He added, "It is a natural extension of my life work and growth. We all learn from our pain and stand up from our stumbling and one must either learn to lean forward or fall backwards. I'm glad they have given me the opportunity to continue my forward lean."

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During the program, Sharpton, who is best known as a civil right activist and minister, will take the day’s headlines and have an informed discussion, said MSNBC.

Sharpton, who has had over 40 years of experience as a community leader, politician, minister and advocate, considers his new role as “a natural extension of my life work and growth."

Ever since he took interest in civil rights issues he has held various positions such as the Youth Director of New York’s Operation Breadbasket, Director of Ministers for National Rainbow Push coalition, and in 1991 he founded his own civil rights organization, National Action Network (NAN), which is considered as one of the largest civil rights organizations in the world.

MSNBC President Phil Griffin expressed his support over the decision in a statement. He said he considers Sharpton to be “one of our most thoughtful and entertaining guests," and promised the audience that the vast experience of the new host will offer “an incredibly strong kick-off to our evening schedule."

The 56-year-old Baptist minister will be a lead-in to some of MSNBC’s weeknight news figures such as Chris Matthews, Laurence O'Donnell, Rachel Maddow and Ed Schultz.

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