Sarah Silverman Calls Jesus 'Gender Fluid' in Christmas Tweet, Draws Criticism

Comedian Sarah Silverman is receiving criticism from Christians after her tweet on Christmas called Jesus "gender fluid," or an identity which refers to a gender that varies over time.
"MERRY CHRISTMAS! Jesus was gender fluid!" the 45-year-old comedian tweeted to her more than 7.5 million followers on Friday.
Silverman, who considers herself non-religious and insists she's not anti-Christian, followed up with another tweet, about the pubic hair styles of Santa Claus.
She is being criticized for the tweets.
"Socialist Sarah Silverman Tweets the Unthinkable About Jesus.... On CHRISTMAS," wrote Young Conservatives in a tweet. "@SarahKSilverman Why don't you just say I hate all Christians? That's got to be the edgiest of all, and that's your whole reason for being," wrote Alan Randall.
Last January, Silverman invoked Jesus in a profanity-laced, pro-abortion skit to rally support for a national pride day for women and some critics dismissed it as offensive and blasphemous.
A video of the skit, posted on YouTube, showed NCIS actor Michael Weatherly appearing as Jesus Christ to Silverman and declaring to her that he is "really bummed by all these people who use my name for intolerance and oppression."
He then tells her that he wants her to spread his message to the people. In his message "Jesus" quips that "life begins at 40" and that "fertilized eggs aren't people, people are people."
Silverman received several negative comments after the video was posted.
"This is stupid. I understand you want to put a valid point across. Don't use Jesus' name in the wrong way. Using the F words. Totally wouldn't share such a video. Zero for you," wrote Patrik Buchana in the comments section of the video.
Also in January 2014, Silverman and Zach Galifianakis, among others, performed at an abortion fundraiser called "A Night of a Thousand Vaginas" in Los Angeles to raise funds for various abortion groups in Texas.
"They're focusing on the bits and parts of the woman, and chosen to devalue the great worth of a woman in her entirety," Melissa Conway, director of external relations at Texas Right to Life, told The Christian Post in an interview at the time. "It's unfortunate that the funds are being used in a threat to baby girls' lives as well. They glorify the right to choose the ending of one life for the benefit of the other."
In 2012, Silverman tweeted about receiving a mock abortion, accompanied by "before" and "after" images, again creating a firestorm of criticism.
The photo showed Silverman pushing her stomach out, giving the appearance that she was pregnant. Accompanying the photo was the caption "It's a burrito!" She then tweeted a picture of herself with her protruding stomach next to a picture of herself with a flat stomach, the caption reading "Got a quickie aborsh in case R v W gets overturned."