Ted Cruz at NRB: 'Best Cure for Poverty Is ...'

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz spoke about curing poverty at the National Religious Broadcasters annual meeting.
At the Christian media gathering in Nashville, Tennessee, Senator Cruz took part in a presidential forum on Friday and was asked questions on a wide range of topics.
Conservative writer and anti-poverty activist Star Parker asked about how to deal with growing poverty in America, especially in relation to broken families.
"The best cure for poverty is a secure two parent home with a mother and father caring for those children," answered Cruz.

Cruz went on to say that "many of these issues are not going to be cured by government" in light of many public sector efforts like Lyndon Johnson's "War on Poverty."
"Many of these are issues for the church or issues for the community to work to encourage and build strong marriages as really the foundation of the family, of the community, of where we live," continued Cruz.
"I do think government policies can be changed so that they're not attacking marriage, so they're not undermining marriage."
During his remarks Cruz also noted that the presidency is a "powerful bully-pulpit" for which to "speak out of the virtues" of having fathers taking responsibility for their children.
"I think faith-based approaches make enormous differences," added Cruz, saying they are effective for those who are "going to change someone's heart and mind."
Cruz's comments came as part of the National Religious Broadcasters annual convention at the Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center, known as "Proclaim 16."
Held last week and featuring about 200 Christian media organizations, Proclaim 16 featured several prominent speakers.
In addition to Cruz, other speakers included Media Research Center President Brent Bozell, actress and producer Roma Downey, Hobby Lobby President Steve Green, Answers in Genesis President Ken Ham, Fox News social commentator Judge Jeannie Pirro, and former Iraqi-based Anglican clergyman Canon Andrew White.
Cruz gave some remarks to the NRB audience and then took questions from moderator Eric Metaxas, as well as Parker, who serves as president of Center for Urban Renewal and Education, and Roy Beck, president of NumbersUSA.
Cruz was not the only Republican presidential hopeful to address Proclaim 16. Dr. Ben Carson also addressed the evangelical gathering.
Carson and Cruz both addressed NRB before Super Tuesday, when several states hold their primaries, is slated to take place.