Here's what's known about the Covenant School trans-identified killer and her 6 victims
Hallie Scruggs

Hallie Scruggs was the daughter of Chad Scruggs, the pastor of Covenant Presbyterian Church. Park Cities Presbyterian Church said in a statement that Chad Scruggs served for several years at their church as an associate pastor and they are mourning with the family.
“We love the Scruggs family and mourn with them over their precious daughter Hallie. Together, we trust in the power of Christ to draw near and give us the comfort and hope we desperately need,” PCPC Senior Pastor Mark Davis said, noting they would hold a prayer vigil at noon on Tuesday.
“We weep deeply for the unimaginable sorrow that our friends at Covenant Presbyterian Church and School are suffering and will continue to suffer,” Paul Goebel, an associate pastor, added. “As brothers and sisters in Christ, we will suffer alongside our friends and grieve together, but not as those without the hope of Jesus."
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