The Recipe for Godly Male Leadership in the Family
Every man carries "The Mantle" of leadership for his family. When it comes to your family, you are "The Mantle" of leadership. It's your job – your duty – to surround and cover your wife and your children with love, affection, caring and spiritual leadership. God teaches us these Biblical truths in Timothy, Proverbs and Matthew. Let's look at what the Bible says about how we – God's men – should live our lives today with "The Mantle" of leadership.
In part two of "The Mantle" series we are going to look at the connections, the relationships in a family, and the character or integrity of the family.

What is mixed into your life? What is your heart full of? Is it full of business information? Is it trivia? Is it sports? Is it success or status? Is it politics?
Usually the dominant recipe of our heart is what we talk about.
We speak about what fills our heart. The heart of the family is what is at the heart of a man. We have to guard what goes into our mix. We have to feed on good stuff and put off bad stuff.
Jesus said it's real easy; you simplify in terms of what you fill up on and what you leak out. You leak what you love.
In Mathew 22:36-39, the question goes to Jesus: What counts? What's important? What should we put an emphasis on? Where should we put our energy? Jesus makes it very clear that it's about your heart being filled with the right stuff.
"Teacher," the apostles asked Jesus, "which is the greatest commandment in the law?"
In other words: Where do I need to put my energy? What is the greatest bucket of energy I could put it in? Jesus said, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with your entire mind." The second thing is, "Love your neighbor as yourself; all of the laws hang on these two Commandments."
If you love Jesus, you will lead like Jesus. If you love God with all your heart, you will love His word. You will be putting your life in His hands. You will be putting your family in His hands. If you love Jesus, then you will love your wife as Christ loved the Church. If you are going to put your wife, your children, and your family first, you need to put loving God at the center of your life.
That's the recipe for success. Now we're cooking chili as God's man. Now we are making motions. When we are living it out like this at home, doesn't that season everything else we're doing? It's kind of like having your bucket filled and the rest of your life is what's spilling out over the top.
Watch The Mantle Sessions where men's expert and pastor Kenny Luck helps you to learn how God's men are learning to take hold of their mantle.