Tim Tebow Hosts 'Night to Shine' Benefitting Thousands With Special Needs on Valentine's Day (VIDEO)

Tim Tebow had a very special Valentine's Day this year after sponsoring 45 simultaneous "Night to Shine" proms for 7,000 people throughout the world on Feb. 13.
Sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation, "Night to Shine" was attended by thousands of people who have special needs with help from 44 churches in 26 states across the U.S., as well locations in Uganda and Kenya.
Tebow not only helped fund the international proms, but also attended two of the U.S. events.
First, the NFL star made a surprise appearance in Kernersville, North Carolina, where met attendees and posed for photos. After about an hour, Tebow boarded a plane once more and headed to Simpsonville, South Carolina, where he met more fans, walked down a red carpet and helped shine attendees' dress shoes. With great difficulty, Tebow recalled the experience at the first of what he hopes will be many "Night to Shine" events.
"Words cannot adequately express the joy that I experienced during the 'Night to Shine,'" the former football star told People.com. "If I think about 44 churches in 26 states and three countries, with more than 15,000 volunteers and 7,000 guests, it is very humbling and overwhelming."
Making the prom night even more special, the event didn't just have one prom king and one prom queen, instead every attendee received a crowns and tiaras.
"Tonight, our number one goal it to make you feel like kings and queens," Tebow told the crowd in Kernersville. "But to be honest with you, every moment of your life, God looks at you like a king or a queen because you are so special."
"What an amazing night at Brookwood in S.C.," ESPN's college football analyst added on Twitter afterward. "More than 600 Kings and Queens and 1,000 volunteers!"
"Night to Shine" is the latest accomplishment to come out of Tebow's foundation. Late last year, the foundation opened a hospital in the Philippines.
Watch the inspiring video that captured Tebow at some of the "Night to Shine" events below.