Tina Campbell: 'I Found Out Who I Really Was When My Marriage Fell Apart'

Tina Campbell says her husband's infidelities made their marriage stronger.
"I found out who I really was when my marriage fell apart," the 41-year-old gospel singer told Essence magazine earlier this month. "It was really hard."
While the fourth season of her hit WEtv show "Mary Mary" with her fellow gospel singing sister Erica Campbell focused on drama concerning her husband's cheating, Tina feels empowered by the process.
"That entire season was about my broken marriage. It was empowering for me to go through that in the public eye and then make it to the other side and fall in love again," she said.
"My husband, who is also an executive producer on our show, was exposed in front of everybody but so was I. There was a lot of prayer and counseling, but now I'm stronger and so is our marriage."
Last year, Tina made a shocking revelation about her husband's infidelity while on the Steve Harvey talk show. Teddy Campbell had an affair with one of the gospel singer's employees who became a close family friend.
"The person who it was, she used to work for me, and so, that broke my heart. She was a like a Godmother to my children,"Tina told the comedian-turned-talk show host. "She had access to my home, to come get my kids, and all that kind of stuff. [She] was very intermixed in my family."
Tina detailed how she made her husband call the woman so that she could confront her.
"She hung up the phone. So I had my answer. It broke my heart, it devastated me, so I spazzed out [on the show]" Tina said. "I destroyed three cars, tried to stab and plotted murders and all kind of crazy stuff because I was angry. And I was doing all that like, ... 'Either I'm going to die wrong or live right.' So we've been working on living right."
Tina publicly dealt with the death of her father and husband's infidelities simultaneously in 2013. Since then, the pair have been vocal about God helping them overcome their struggles.
Now that the fifth season of "Mary Mary" is getting ready to make its television debut, Tina admitted that it was a hard one for her to film.
Now that their WEtv hit reality series "Mary Mary" is gearing up for a fifth season that will premiere March 3, the gospel singer and author refuses to compromise her faith by representing drama.
"I'm contractually committed, yet I want to reflect my God even with these executives and behind the scenes people," Campbell told JET magazine. "I'm not compromising my faith by no stretch of the imagination."
Tina told The Christian Post in November 2014 that God worked a miracle in her marriage.
"I know God opened up the Red Sea for the children of Israel; He kept the three Hebrew boys from getting burned up in the fire; He kept Daniel from getting eaten by that lion, but He also kept Tina and Teddy from a broken marriage and He did it in one year," Tina said during an interview with CP. "That is a modern day miracle. So anybody who can come to experience that God is still doing miracles, God is still proving Himself, the Bible is still real and it can still work in your life, I would think that anybody can be encouraged by that.