UCSF accused of 'callous' experiments on aborted babies, harvesting genitals

Pro-life activist organizations have accused the University of California, San Francisco, of engaging in “callous” experiments on aborted fetuses and possibly allowing babies that survive an abortion to die.
The anti-abortion advocacy group Live Action reported Saturday that the group Pro-Life San Francisco obtained twodocuments via the California Public Records Act related to how UCSF is conducting research on viable human fetuses. The pro-life group accused UCSF and partner institutions of engaging in “callous abortion harvesting operations.”
"On June 14th and June 25th 2021, Pro-Life San Francisco received documents from the University of California, San Francisco," Pro-Life San Francisco's website reports. "Requested under the California Public Records Act, these records shed light on the aborted fetal tissue research projects taking place within the university."
Live Action's Bettina di Fiore notes that "fetal body parts are being harvested under the UCSF umbrella from babies aborted at the two UCSF-affiliated Women’s Options Center locations." She added that studies have shown that labor induction abortion techniques used in those facilities can often result in live births.
Pro-Life San Francisco made requests for documents related to protocols and procedures in place at UCSF for "determining the viability of a neonate after labor induction abortion procedures including … in instances where the neonate is born alive after the procedure is performed."
Additionally, the organization requested documents on "UCSF’s protocols and procedures regarding the delivery of medical care to neonates born at the Women’s Options Center[s]."
Thirdly, the organization requested access to human fetal tissue procurement logs.
According to Live Action, UCSF attorneys told lawyers for Pro-Life San Francisco that there were no documents to turn over related to the first two requests because UCSF and the Women’s Options Centers "have no protocol for determining the viability of abortion survivors, or for providing care to them."
According to a fact sheet posted on Pro-Life San Francisco's website, "the university has also confirmed that there are no documents, protocols or procedures in place on verifying signs of life or handling live-birth scenarios, even though their own curriculum admits that live births do sometimes occur during abortion procedures."
"All we received was a document on routine blood tests for newborns at unrelated UCSF sites," the organization reports.
Di Fiore argues that "this is a tacit admission of the possibility that abortion survivors are simply left to die, without so much as the basic humane provision of palliative care."
The school did turn over human fetal tissue procurement logs.
"The documents obtained pursuant to this request reveal disturbing details about the true extent of the atrocities taking place at this state-sponsored institution and the strikingly callous and casual attitude with which they are being carried out — all at the expense of average Americans," di Fiore wrote.
While some sections of the fetal tissue procurement log were redacted, the documents note how most of the experiments were done on the reproductive organs of aborted babies.
Di Fiore wrote that of the 43 human fetal tissue procurement logs handed over, 42 of them documented “the harvesting of genitalia and/or gonads.”
“It seems ironic that these ‘scientists,’ who work for an institution that postures itself as a frontline warrior in the battle for so-called ‘reproductive justice,’ spend their days mutilating the reproductive organs of people whose lives have been brutally ended under the banner of ‘reproductive choice,’” she continued.
Live Action claims that the "situation at UCSF’s Women’s Options Centers is essentially a free-for-all, where each abortion survivor’s life hinges upon the whim of the abortionist paid to kill him or her.”
The Christian Post reached out to the University of California, San Francisco, to respond to the report. However, the academic institution did not respond by press time.
Live Action argues that while UCSF “receives millions of taxpayer dollars to conduct these experiments,” the experiments “hardly resemble any legitimately purpose-driven science.”
Live Action has posted information provided by Pro-Life San Francisco critical of the UCSF and its research in the past.
In June 2020, Live Action promoted a Pro-Life San Francisco video that labeled UCSF a “real-life American horror story."
“’UCSF: An American Horror Story’ shines a light on the relationship between the publicly-funded university and abortionists across the country, including their training and their inhumane methods of collecting aborted babies for research purposes,” wrote Nancy Flanders of Live Action in an entry from last year.