What the Apostles' Creed denies
Few Americans believe the Apostles’ Creed today, and many outright oppose the God of the Bible and Christian doctrine.
Abortion pill reversal: My experience trying to undo abortion pill
The abortion pill reversal and the support of my local pregnancy resource center are the reasons my son is alive today.
Speak up for your elected officials (in prayer)
It is more than worth our time to bring our concerns, requests, thanks, praise and worship to Him. He cares.
Kamala Harris hiding far-left record by adopting MAGA policies
The border wall isn’t the only Trump-team initiative that Harris has quickly adopted as her own.
The key to preventing childhood trauma?
A potentially traumatic event may not always lead to a devastating emotional trauma response.
5 American myths of successful churches and ministries
I have noticed a keen difference between the biblical measure of success and the way many American churches seem to measure success.
Is America pro-abortion?
One day God will hold us all accountable for these things, including how we vote on these matters. May God send a true revival, leading to a culture of life.
The Gospel of wealth: When pastors preach dollars over discipleship
The next time you encounter a pastor who seems to be accumulating wealth and endorsing products or services that make you skeptical, don't dismiss your concerns.
Joe Rogan, Kid Rock and Bill Maher can't lead the moral and cultural revolution
None of these people are starting with a biblical worldview, which is the only worldview that can sustain human thriving in the long run.
When freedom means slavery
American freedom is about curtailing state power, not expanding it under the guise of progress.