
'Star Wars' Facebook Page Defends Rose Tico Amid Backlash

The official Facebook page of "Star Wars" recently defended Rose Tico, one of the characters in "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" who has received an awful lot of hate since "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" opened in theaters. The spate of negative comments about the character started when the "Star Wars" Facebook page shared Kelly Marie Tran's audition video for the latest "Star Wars" film.

Played by Tran, Rose Tico is the Resistance mechanic-turned-hero in "Star Wars: The Last Jedi." Although some are satisfied with her performance in the film, many have expressed their hate toward the character. Tran's audition video for "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" a few days ago was flooded with negative comments from haters, with some even saying that she was never a hero in the film. Haters particularly hate the fact that Rose prevented Finn from destroying the ram canon on Crait.

Responding to the negative comments, the "Star Wars" Facebook page wrote, "Prevented four Resistance deserters from stealing escape pods. Assisted in the formation of a plan that would have allowed the Resistance to escape the First Order pursuit. Persuaded a fathier stable boy to enable her and Finn's escape from Canto Bight. Conducted an essential survey of available supplies available to the Resistance on Crait. Saved Finn from an inconsequential course of action that would've ended his life. For a character who did absolutely nothing, that's impressive... most impressive."

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Despite the hate, Tran revealed in a previous interview how she felt about being the only Asian main character in the "Star Wars" universe. "I get very emotional when I see people who are able to identify with this character. That means a lot to me and I don't think it will ever get old," she said. Although haters say that Tran's part is the most useless character in the franchise, it looks like the majority of "Star Wars" fans love Rose, and that's all that matters.

"Star Wars: The Last Jedi" is still showing in theaters.

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