Kamala Harris is a mean girl

She is a cold, calculating, mean-spirited career politician. Her track record demonstrates this clearly.
As San Francisco District Attorney, Harris refused to seek the death penalty for the man who brutally murdered police officer Isaac Espinoza. Espinoza left behind his three-year-old daughter and his beloved wife, Renata, who claimed that Harris never once contacted her to offer her condolences. Instead, just three days after Espinoza’s murder, she held a press conference in which she made sure to let the press know: the death penalty wasn’t on the table.
As California’s Attorney General, Harris ordered law enforcement to raid the home of a young pro-life journalist, David Daleidon. Daleidon’s undercover work had revealed that Planned Parenthood executives were illegally selling aborted baby body parts for profit. Instead of investigating her donors at Planned Parenthood, Harris sought to silence Daleidon for uncovering horrifying corruption.
Harris has a history of controlling the speech of pro-lifers. While Attorney General, she pushed hard for the passage of the Reproductive FACT Act, which attempted to require pregnancy centers to prominently advertise for abortion. The Supreme Court overturned this law in 2018, rightly deeming it a violation of the First Amendment.
GovTrack’s non-partisan report card rated Senator Kamala Harris as the furthest-left congressperson, even further left than self-avowed socialist, Senator Bernie Sanders. Harris continued her pro-abortion — and even pro-infanticide — rabidity while serving in the Senate, voting against the Born Alive Infant Survivors Protection Act, which simply required babies who survived abortion to be given medical care. The bill did not restrict abortion at all. Even so, Senator Harris voted “no.”
There’s no other way to say it: Kamala Harris is mean. And like any mean girl, she enjoys calling those she doesn’t like “weird.” That’s her moniker for Trump and Vance — beloved fathers who, unlike Harris, have spent years building things bigger and better than political careers. Trump is a successful businessman and an adored grandfather. Vance is a veteran, entrepreneur, acclaimed author and family man whose story typifies the American Dream. Kamala Harris is a vengeful, power-hungry bully who calls normal “weird.”
What’s much worse than a “weird” guy? A mean girl. Kamala Harris has proven, over and over again in her career, that she will trample on the weak and the vulnerable to get what she wants. That includes you. Because, at the end of the day, Kamala sees you — pro-lifer, Christian, patriot, hardworking parent — as weird. And, more than that, she sees you as a threat. And we’ve seen what she does to those she perceives as a threat.
Kamala Harris — the calloused mean girl — is the last kind of person we want as President.
Allie Beth Stuckey is the host of the podcast Relatable, where she analyzes culture, news, and politics from a Biblical perspective. She is also the author of author of You’re Not Enough (And That’s Okay) and the forthcoming Toxic Empathy,available for pre-order and releasing in October. In addition to podcasting and writing, she speaks to various organizations across the country about the importance of constructing a Biblical worldview. She and her husband are the proud parents of three children.