Greg Laurie

Greg Laurie

Op-ed contributor

Greg Laurie is the pastor and founder of the Harvest churches in California and Hawaii and of Harvest Crusades. He is an evangelist, best-selling author and movie producer. His newest book Lennon, Dylan, Alice & Jesus


  • The Ultimate E-Ticket Ride

    The Ultimate E-Ticket Ride

    I remember when I was a child and we would drive by Disneyland on the freeway. I would look up at the Matterhorn jutting out above the park, and I remember making a vow: "When I become an adult, I will go to Disneyland every single day!"

  • Depending on Him

    Depending on Him

    Have you ever noticed that Jesus never really healed people in exactly the same way? Sometimes He would touch a person, and sometimes a person would touch Him. At other times He would speak the word, and they would be healed.

  • You Have His Attention

    You Have His Attention

    Have you ever been talking with someone who wasn't paying attention? Or to put it another way, have you ever been talking with someone who was texting? You're saying, "And so I said this—are you listening to me?"

  • Jesus, the Friend of Sinners

    Jesus, the Friend of Sinners

    How was Jesus known when He walked this earth? He was known as "the friend of sinners." We might think that sounds like a compliment now, but it wasn't meant as a compliment then.

  • A Smile from God

    A Smile from God

    In the song, "Positively Fourth Street," Bob Dylan sings, "I wish that for just one time, you could stand inside my shoes. You'd know what a drag it is to see you."

  • Kept by His Power

    Kept by His Power

    God wants us to be constantly reassured that He will keep us. We need this reassurance in such an evil and uncertain world because we worry about safety and security for ourselves and our families. And sometimes believers even wonder about their personal salvation. Even mature believers may have times of doubt when they wonder whether they are saved.

  • 'The LORD Bless You'

    'The LORD Bless You'

    We use the word bless a lot. It's an apropos response to someone who is sneezing, or we might use it to end a conversation: "Well, it's really good to see you! God bless!" And sometimes we may hear someone who has no interest in Jesus Christ say this or that is a blessing. But they don't even know what the word really means.

  • What Happens to Believers When They Die?

    What Happens to Believers When They Die?

    Believers and nonbelievers both die. Believers as well as nonbelievers get cancer, have auto accidents, have heart attacks. But, as believers, we have the promise that we will go straight into the presence of God at death.

  • God's Friends

    God's Friends

    We may look at the life of Moses in the Scriptures and say, "I wish I could have been Moses. I wish I could have a friendship with God like he had."

  • A Part of Everything

    A Part of Everything

    When Jesus laid out for His disciples what it really meant to follow Him, many of His so-called disciples left. Then Jesus turned to Peter and the others and said, "Are you also going to leave?" (John 6:67).