Greg Laurie

Greg Laurie

Op-ed contributor

Greg Laurie is the pastor and founder of the Harvest churches in California and Hawaii and of Harvest Crusades. He is an evangelist, best-selling author and movie producer. His newest book Lennon, Dylan, Alice & Jesus


  • Why We Can Still Believe God is a Loving God Even When Tragedies Happen

    Why We Can Still Believe God is a Loving God Even When Tragedies Happen

    All is good. it doesn't mean that every little thing that is happens is good, because bad things happen.

  • With Tragedy All Around Us, Is God Trying to Get Our Attention?

    With Tragedy All Around Us, Is God Trying to Get Our Attention?

    What is going on in our world right now? ... Why is God allowing all of this to happen? Is He trying to get our attention?

  • The End of the Line

    The End of the Line

    The end of the line comes to every man and every woman. It comes for rock superstars and people we've never heard of. It comes to the rich and the poor. It comes to the good and the bad. It will come to you, and it will come to me. There is no escaping it.

  • In the Wake of Las Vegas, Why Does God Allow Suffering?

    In the Wake of Las Vegas, Why Does God Allow Suffering?

    A Barna Poll asked, "If you could ask God one question and you knew He would give you an answer, what would you ask?" The most common response was, "Why is there pain and suffering in the world?"

  • How to Conquer a Giant in Your Life

    How to Conquer a Giant in Your Life

    We all have giants that we face in life, things that may seem like insurmountable problems. Giants defeat us again and again because we face them in our own strength — and we lose.

  • Steve McQueen Had It All But He Went Searching for More and Found Jesus

    Steve McQueen Had It All But He Went Searching for More and Found Jesus

    At the time, Steve McQueen was the number-one movie star in the world, and he is still used as a point of reference for masculinity and "coolness" to this day. He was (and is) the definition of an American icon. Yet, until late in his life he struggled to find meaning in life, and he suffered because of it.

  • America Needs World Changers!

    America Needs World Changers!

    World changers obey God. There are certain things God tells us not to do, and the reason he says that is to protect us. If God says not to do something, that is because it's a bad thing. If God says to do something, that is because it's a good thing.

  • God Will Never Give Up on You

    God Will Never Give Up on You

    God is pursuing you. Maybe you think he is out to ruin all your fun, but nothing could be further from the truth. The Bible tells us that God is good.

  • Questions as Old as Time: Why Does God Allow Suffering?

    Questions as Old as Time: Why Does God Allow Suffering?

    Not all that long ago, if you needed an answer to something, you had to talk to a human being. All we have to do today is go to a search engine and ask a question, or we can ask Siri. The problem, however, is that any random person can give you any random answer.

  • Sin: It Starts With a Thought

    Sin: It Starts With a Thought

    When we can't always make ends meet, or we're sick, or we're having challenges, we are dependent on God. But when things are going well, when we have a little extra money in the bank and our health is good, that is when temptation will hit.