Greg Laurie
Op-ed contributor
Greg Laurie is the pastor and founder of the Harvest churches in California and Hawaii and of Harvest Crusades. He is an evangelist, best-selling author and movie producer. His newest book Lennon, Dylan, Alice & Jesus
The man in black: Johnny Cash’s complex relationship with God
After long, frenzied drug binges, when Johnny Cash finally crashed, just before he drifted off into unconsciousness, he sometimes heard a quiet voice say, “I am your God. I am still here."
Smartphones have taken over our lives
Our culture has a crisis going on. You may even be holding it in your pocket right now. For so many people—especially young people—these phones have literally taken over their lives.
The party is over: Thoughts on Freddie Mercury and the hit film, ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’
A whole new audience is discovering the music of famed rock band, Queen, and its remarkable front man, Freddie Mercury.
The void: Thoughts on the Oscar nominated film, 'A Star Is Born'
This is the fourth time “A Star is Born” has been made into a movie, starring big names such as Barbara Streisand and Kris Kristofferson. Perhaps the reason this story keeps making its way back is because there is just something so familiar about it. We’ve all seen it play out in real life so many times as well, haven’t we?
What DJ Avicii's legacy teaches us about the world vs. the Gospel
You might have heard of the “27 club” before. It is the age of a group of iconic musicians who all died, mostly due to drug or alcohol-related causes at the young age of 27.
Don’t forget Jesus this Christmas
This is a picture of Christmas for many today. We string our lights and trim our Pinterest-perfect trees. We fight traffic and crowds to buy gifts at busy department stores as we hurry around to holiday parties. Amidst all of this, how often do we really stop to think about the One this day truly honors?
Happy 100th Birthday, Billy Graham!
As most of you know, Billy passed away earlier this year in February. Imagine the party he is having in heaven! I was privileged to know Billy personally here on earth, which was a dream come true on so many levels.
If You Want to See Revival, Do 'Revival-Like' Things
As believers, we want God to heal our land and change our nation for the better, but as we look at the problems in our country, it's sometimes easier to just point at someone else. We say that the problems in our country are because of the White House or Hollywood, but God says the source of the problems is actually His house, the church.
What Kids Need Most From Their Parents
Over the years as a pastor, I've talked with people on their deathbeds and have often heard the same thing from parents: If they had it to do all over again, they would spend more time with their children and their spouse.
When It Seems as Though the Bottom Dropped Out
Have you ever been extremely lonely, maybe even when you were surrounded by people? Have you ever felt cut off? Have you ever felt as though your friends abandoned you or that you were completely misunderstood?