Greg Laurie

Greg Laurie

Op-ed contributor

Greg Laurie is the pastor and founder of the Harvest churches in California and Hawaii and of Harvest Crusades. He is an evangelist, best-selling author and movie producer. His newest book Lennon, Dylan, Alice & Jesus


  • Charlottesville: A Reminder of Why We Need Hope

    Charlottesville: A Reminder of Why We Need Hope

    As a child of the 60s, it's heartbreaking that in 2017 we are still dealing with the same issues of race and prejudice that have plagued our nation for so long.

  • Why Christians Are Persecuted

    Why Christians Are Persecuted

    In a way, persecution will separate the genuine from the fake. If you are a true follower of Jesus, you won't back down if a little persecution comes your way. And if God allows it in your life, he will give you the strength to face it.

  • Terrorism: Western Values Are Christian Values

    Terrorism: Western Values Are Christian Values

    So, they say, we are to combat this jihadism with "western values." But, what exactly are those values? Most of us would probably agree that these values include liberty, justice, freedom. Yet, where do these values actually come from?

  • Christians: Let's Turn the World Upside Down!

    Christians: Let's Turn the World Upside Down!

    The church of the first century made its impact on the world through prayer and through preaching. It was said of the early church that they turned the world upside down. And that, by the way, was offered as a criticism, not as a compliment (see Acts 17:6).

  • What Jesus' Words in Death Reveal About His Life

    What Jesus' Words in Death Reveal About His Life

    For every person there will come a last meal, a last breath, and of course a last statement. In many ways, what we say in the end can be an insight into what we were in life, what we stood for, lived for.

  • What's All This Witch and Trump 'Hocus-Pocus' About?

    What's All This Witch and Trump 'Hocus-Pocus' About?

    I recently read that a group of witches are seeking to "cast a spell" on President Trump under each crescent moon until he is no longer in office. Many would dismiss this "hocus pocus" with a laugh but it brings up a very real issue.

  • How the Oscars Shocker Is Kinda Like Heaven

    How the Oscars Shocker Is Kinda Like Heaven

    I watched the Oscars last night. I was rooting for Hacksaw Ridge to win for Picture, Director, and Actor of the Year, but I knew it was a long shot.

  • Christians: Don't Give in to Compromise

    Christians: Don't Give in to Compromise

    In the New Testament book of Revelation, Jesus had specific words for a church that was engaged in compromise. This church was located in the city of Pergamum, the capital of Asia.

  • How to Do Evangelism, Jesus Style

    How to Do Evangelism, Jesus Style

    A person can argue all day with you about certain facts. But they can't argue with your personal story of how you came to faith.

  • Help Wanted: Unqualified Christians to Share the Gospel

    Help Wanted: Unqualified Christians to Share the Gospel

    I want you to discover the adventure of being used by God, especially in this area of telling others about Jesus.