Greg Laurie

Greg Laurie

Op-ed contributor

Greg Laurie is the pastor and founder of the Harvest churches in California and Hawaii and of Harvest Crusades. He is an evangelist, best-selling author and movie producer. His newest book Lennon, Dylan, Alice & Jesus


  • The Adventures of Fuzzie the Rabbit

    The Adventures of Fuzzie the Rabbit

    My youngest granddaughter, Allie (short for Alexandra), has a little rabbit that her older sister, Rylie, named Fuzzie.

  • Pleading with God

    Pleading with God

    I find it amazing that Moses negotiated with God and got away with it. But he wasn't the only one. Another man who negotiated with God was Abraham, and he was called the friend of God.

  • Deal Quickly with Sin

    Deal Quickly with Sin

    Israel committed a great sin. They knew better. They were God's chosen, covenant people. They had seen his power demonstrated time and time again. They saw the Red Sea parted as they passed through, and they saw it close on the pursuing Egyptian army. They saw manna provided every morning. They saw God's fire by night and His cloud by day. They saw miracle after miracle. They made a promise to obey God on three separate occasions. Much had been given to Israel, and much was expected from Israel.

  • Are All Sins the Same?

    Are All Sins the Same?

    Are some sins greater, or worse, than others? Our knee-jerk reaction might be that all sin is the same. But actually that is not true. All sin is not the same. According to the Scriptures, some sins are more offensive to God than other sins are.

  • Mortimer Mouse?

    Mortimer Mouse?

    Maybe you have had some serious setbacks in life. As a child, you were mistreated, neglected, abused, or even forgotten. You, like so many kids today, were just left to yourself. Maybe people haven't given you much hope; you've been written off by your parents and teachers.

  • In Rhythm with God

    In Rhythm with God

    A jeweler will display a ring or a fine piece of jewelry against a dark backdrop so that our eyes are automatically drawn to it. And that is what Noah was like against the dark backdrop of wickedness in his day. He was a rare jewel, a radiant light in a very dark place. The Bible tells us that "Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord" (Genesis 6:8), which means that God extended grace toward him.

  • The Way of Cain

    The Way of Cain

    Woe to them! For they have gone in the way of Cain, have run greedily in the error of Balaam for profit, and perished in the rebellion of Korah. (Jude 1:11)

  • Ready to Pounce

    Ready to Pounce

    A number of years ago I read an interesting book called Death in the Long Grass. Its author, a big-game hunter, recounts stories of not only hunting lions, but also of lions hunting people.

  • Is There Someone You Need to Forgive?

    Is There Someone You Need to Forgive?

    The film Les Misérables, adapted from Victor Hugo's book by the same name, is the story of Jean Valjean, who was sent to prison for stealing a loaf of bread to feed his family.

  • The Eighth Commandment

    The Eighth Commandment

    There is so much stealing in our culture today that we have almost become accustomed to it. In fact, I read about a study that was done on stealing in which people were asked why they didn't steal. The number one reason given by those polled was the fear of getting caught. The next most common reason was concern that the other person might try to get even. The third most-cited reason was that the item might not be needed. What apparently didn't occur to anyone was the fact that stealing is a sin