John Stonestreet and Glenn Sunshine


  • George MacDonald and the Christian imagination

    George MacDonald and the Christian imagination

    MacDonald believed that people really are “princesses and goblins and good fairies” that, in his non-fantasy novels, he portrayed as ordinary men and women.

  • The Supreme Court case showing if Christians have free speech too

    The Supreme Court case showing if Christians have free speech too

    Not long ago, Christian beliefs about sex and marriage were considered mainstream. Today, they are among the most controversial beliefs someone can hold.

  • Marriage is a calling, not a right

    Marriage is a calling, not a right

    The same is true with marriage. Jesus was asked a “do” question, and our culture is constantly “doing” something new to and with marriage: ending it, replacing it, expanding it, substituting for it.

  • What 'separation of church and state' is really about

    What 'separation of church and state' is really about

    Without conscience rights, we cannot truly speak, write, assemble, or advocate freely from our deepest beliefs. That’s why the freedom of religion is often called “the first freedom.” Its position in the Bill of Rights highlights its importance. 

  • The history of the idea of 'war crimes'

    The history of the idea of 'war crimes'

    Though in the throes of war, these ideals were rarely followed, the code held among the nobles. For example, if a knight unnecessarily killed another knight in combat, he could be charged with murder. This was not considered a war crime, however.  

  • Is it biblical to honor our nation?

    Is it biblical to honor our nation?

    Nationalism becomes idolatry whenever love of nation devolves into an excessive or uncritical devotion, is confused with the Kingdom of God, justifies evil, or engages in a partiality that treats citizens of other nations as less worthy of love or justice or charity.

  • Christian schools should be thoroughly Christian

    Christian schools should be thoroughly Christian

    Simply put, any school wishing to be Christian must be thoroughly Christian: in purpose, content, curriculum, aim, and personnel. This is no easy task. In fact, to be a Christian educator is, to paraphrase Dr. John Stackhouse, “more than twice as hard.”

  • Christians who changed their world: Benjamin Rush

    Christians who changed their world: Benjamin Rush

    All of the activities on Benjamin Rush’s very impressive resume were informed by his faith. His stands on mental health, prisons, and slavery came from his understanding that each person is made in the image of God and is, therefore, worthy of dignity and respect.

  • Olympic stories of faith are more precious than silver and gold

    Olympic stories of faith are more precious than silver and gold

    These stories offer a more complete picture of the Olympics than what has been portrayed in so many media reports. These are athletes who have found in Christ that which is “more lovely than silver, and more costly than gold.”

  • Decorated mom gives life to Olympic athletes

    Decorated mom gives life to Olympic athletes

    There is one protest, a quiet one, that demands our respect from the 2021 Olympics. Female athletes who are mothers earned well-deserved attention.