June Hunt
Op-ed contributor
I planned to kill my father at 14: Abuse victim June Hunt shares her story
While receiving Jesus as our Lord will transform a person’s life, any abuse — whether physical or sexual, even verbal and emotional abuse — can make Christianity immensely difficult to accept.
Hope for Those Battling Cancer
I'll never forget the doctor's words … "You have cancer." He delivers these words matter-of-factly as I sit on the examining table — absolutely stunned. My mind begins to race. But ... Friday I have a three-day conference in Baltimore ... and next Monday I have to be in New York City. I don't have time for surgery!
5 God Promises for Rest From Your Stress
If you're experiencing a season of stress, rest in the following promises of God.
The Restless Pursuit of Hope
We tend to live sheltered lives, nestled in normalcy, protected in the cocoon of our comfort zone. We're inclined to go to the same places and do the same things … and we like it that way.
How Your Trials Can Create a Pleasing Aroma for God
Life may seem sweet one moment but then a trial comes and we feel crushed … we feel the heat! But could God be using our disappointments and trials to create a pleasing aroma for Him?
Americans Are Bowing Their Heads to a New God
There's just something about bowed heads that makes you take notice.
Prison Gardens Are Cultivating Seeds of Change
In the shadow of penitentiary walls, abandoned prison grounds and neglected fields are being transformed into vibrant vegetable gardens by the calloused hands of inmates.
50 Shades of Grief: 7 Reasons to Pursue Sexual Integrity
How should we respond to "50 Shades of Grey"? Should we dismiss it as nothing more than a sappy romance jacked up on erotica, agreeing with critics like Claudia Puig, who wrote that "the dialogue is laughable, the pacing is sluggish and the performances are one-note"? Or should we be deeply disturbed … that sexual violence is being romanticized and could likely lead to the physical and emotional abuse of women?
10 Bible Verses to Keep You Hope-Filled in 2015
Be hopeful. God is working in our world. Through all of the pain and conflict, in the personal and private tragedies as well as in the public world-shaking crises – our God is at work to bring about His peace on earth. Consider these ten benefits of hope to carry you into 2015 ..
12 Purposes for Pain in the Midst of Grief and Suffering
It doesn't take long in such deeply sorrowful situations to start asking … Why? Why did this happen? If God is God, why did He allow this to happen?