Larry Tomczak
Op-ed contributor
How Do You Kill 11 Million People?
New York Times bestselling author Andy Andrews wrote a book by this title a few years ago. I highly recommend it. This figure represents the actual number of people killed by Adolf Hitler, not including ordinary civilians and military war dead.
It's Time We Wake Up and Know What World Leaders Support Abortion, Gay Marriage
Billy Graham says that he is praying daily for spiritual awakening in America. Last week Rush Limbaugh expressed that the hope for America is an awakening. I think it's safe to say that most serious Christians concur.
Are American Pastors Prophetic or Just Professional?
Last week another minister and I invested days in a major city trying to equip leaders on the radical gay agenda and how to respond. A recent Barna survey found 97 percent of pastors affirming gay marriage as wrong, yet only 31 percent plan to address the issue! How was the attendance for this well-publicized event?
10 Marks of Friendship for Trying Times
"Keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer." This famous quote by Michael Corleone in the classic film Godfather 2, may in part explain the thinking of our Lord Jesus in His friendship with His betrayer Judas. Keeping a watchful eye on our adversaries enables us to be aware of their subtle maneuverings in trying to bring us harm.
Will You Be a Coward Or a Courageous Christian?
With the unprecedented escalation and celebration of homosexuality, the steamrolling of same-sex marriage, apostasy and compromise in Christian churches, ministries and organizations, the unbelievable governmental assault on our religious freedoms and hostility towards biblical values, the epidemic of out-of-wedlock births, sexual abuse, pornography, divorce, promiscuity, cohabitation and human trafficking; plus, continued execution of unborn babies in the womb every 26 seconds, isn't it obvious
Let's Talk Divorce On Our 38th Anniversary
When a couple is beginning to entertain thoughts of divorce, they usually spin in the opposite direction. As matters escalate it isn't long before papers are being signed, family and friends take sides and the date in court comes and goes as another marriage dissolves.
A Call to Integrity in a Culture of Compromise
With the current crisis in the Ukraine, people are wondering which world leader to believe. Opponents of Putin say he lies, led the KGB and can't be trusted to tell the truth. Opponents of Obama say he repeatedly spoke falsehoods about Obamacare promises so he can't be trusted either.
Living Together or Letting God Supply Your Spouse?
USA Today recently published the results of a national survey among 18 to 31-year-olds regarding cohabitation. A whopping 76 percent of young Americans said living together before marriage is fine. The stark reality is that 65 percent of "altar – bound" singles--many of who identify as "Christians"-- now live together before marriage, a euphemism for lifestyle fornication.
Video: Is Gay Okay? 10 Things Everyone Needs to Know
Last week a video was released entitled, Is Gay Okay? 10 Things Everyone Needs to Know. I submit to you that this is a video every person in every church needs to view. Everyone needs to know the most important issue Christians face today and the answers to the questions surrounding it.
Pragmatism: The Enemy of Authentic Christianity
Christians in the church today are witnessing what may be described as "truth decay." Instead of being faithful to God's Word, many Christian leaders take a pragmatic "whatever works and will get people to come" approach. Pragmatism has its merits, but today it is undermining authentic Christianity and our call to biblical faithfulness.