Larry Tomczak
Op-ed contributor
Larry Tomczak's Video Response to Ellen DeGeneres on Gay Programming
Below is Tomczak's video response to DeGeneres and his appeal to use her influence for the benefit of young viewers to look up to her and other entertainers.
Ellen DeGeneres: An Open Letter of My Criticism and Her Response to the Influence of Homosexuality in the Media
Yesterday morning I awoke to discover you spoke to me directly on your nationally syndicated, award-winning talk show. I was stunned and humbled because I believe you are such an incredibly gifted comedian with a God-given gift to entertain and make people feel genuinely valued.
Are You Aware of the Avalanche of Gay Programming Assaulting Your Home?
The indoctrination and propaganda coming from those advocating a gay lifestyle in our country, classrooms and culture are increasing. All of us need to take note and take action to guard those we love.
More Encouragement to Position Yourself for Success in 2015
Reflecting on this past year, you may experience discouragement over plans that never came to pass or dreams that never materialized.
Here's Some Encouragement for 2015 If 2014 Wasn't Quite What You Envisioned
Remember New Year's Eve almost 12 months ago? Were you holding high hopes it would be your best year yet?
Health Alert: Are You or Someone You Know Using Statins?
Recently one of my close friends of nearly twenty years and a former leader in our church in Atlanta died suddenly of a heart attack. He was 56 years old. I helped officiate at his memorial service; it was a very sobering experience.
My Child's Not 'Sexting'; Are You Sure?
If your son or daughter has access to an iPhone, are you absolutely sure there's no questionable activity going on? More importantly, do you know how to protect your children from the onslaught they face in today's technological revolution?
Should Parents Spank Their Children?
Corporal punishment is a sensitive subject. It is also becoming more controversial in today's culture. Recent charges brought against a popular NFL running back have surfaced it once again.
8 Potential Disasters That Could Jolt Us Into a Great Awakening
As strange as it may sound, I believe disaster is coming to our shores to help bring us back to God. Yet in the face of America's imminent judgment, multitudes go on with business as usual instead of readjusting priorities and better investing time to prepare for what's ahead.
Why Are So Many Middle Aged Men Succumbing to Sexual Sin?
In the past few years there seems to be an epidemic of adulterous and sexually inappropriate relationships coming to light on a regular basis. Let's be honest, it's alarming to many of us onlookers plus causes much fear and trepidation among spouses who ponder the question, "Are we going to be next?"