Larry Tomczak
Op-ed contributor
Spotting and Stopping Shameless Holiday Financial Appeals
During this holiday season, it's natural to think about giving. Multitudes of churches and ministries wisely seize the moment. "It's the most wonderful time of the year …" so it's an opportune time to encourage people to be generous with end-of-year giving.
Media Manipulates, We Can't Capitulate
The Bible teaches us in 1 John 5:19 that Satan illegally controls this present world and rules this kingdom of darkness. For hundreds of years, our beloved nation enjoyed a blessed reprieve from many aspects of Satan's reign because of the prevailing influence of the gospel and our Judeo-Christian foundations.
What John Lennon and Barack Obama Have in Common
On Saturday evening, my wife and I had a blast with another couple at a "Beatles" concert. Hundreds of people from all ages gathered to sing along to the classic hits by the Fab Four.
How to Overcome Life's 'What If …?' Regrets
On a more reflective note, as death approaches people are often asked if they have any regrets. Getting older presents fewer opportunities for "bucket lists" or "do-overs" so many folks engage in a little bit more honest life review. The realization sinks in that no one is going to live forever no matter how many "age-defying" products are marketed today.
Miley Cyrus: From Purity Ring to Perversion
Many who saw Miley hosting Sunday evening's MTV Video Music Awards show or her promo videos leading up to it, experienced both revulsion and heartfelt concern. Anyone dismissing her example for youth today as "edgy yet harmless" entertainment needs to wake up.
Countdown to The Economic Crash — Are You Prepared?
Here's the deal: Out-of-control spending and borrowing have become the cultural norm with our leaders who are inflicting an ever-mushrooming debt burden on the unsuspecting next generation — our children and grandchildren. It is immoral.
5 Tips for Trump from History's Richest Man
Multitudes across America who identify with much of the uncompromising message Donald Trump brings, secretly wish someone could sit down with him and temper him in some areas so he could be more effective politically.
Fresh From the Frontline: Why Donald Trump Is Dominating
Thursday I had the honor of speaking to over 300 pastors who gathered from 9 AM till 4 PM prior to the first Republican presidential debate in my hometown of Cleveland, Ohio. The presidential candidates had opportunities to share but most eyes were riveted on Donald Trump, as they were in the evening debate.
6 Reasons We Should Be 'Sensible' News Junkies
In my study I have a giant poster of one of my heroes, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. One of his famous quotes is the following: "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
5 Chilling Societal Developments Since Same-Sex Ruling
A few days ago I shared a YouTube video with a young father detailing the effects of the gay agenda on children in other countries that are further "down the road" than we are in America. He was utterly shocked as well as sobered, realizing where we are headed.