Larry Tomczak
Op-ed contributor
3 Steps to Solve Immigration the Jesus Way by a Compassionate Conservative
For those harboring images of Jesus as a meek and mild, religious figure with naked baby cherubs encircling His frisbee-haloed head, the following biblical event may be challenging to consider. It happened as parents brought their kids to Jesus so He could "touch and bless them" (Mk.10:13), but His disciples resented the intrusion.
What Might Ananias and Sapphira Say to Hillary Clinton?
Once in awhile, excusing something inconsequential like the above is probably harmless. Yet in adulthood when stakes are high and issues of ethics and integrity impact other people's lives, we must steer clear of all duplicity and deceitfulness. God takes this very seriously as documented by a medical doctor in the Book of Acts.
Could These 5 Final Words Be Your Deathbed Declaration?
One of baseball's greatest hitters of all time died recently at the age of 54. Hall of Famer Tony Gwynn hit over .300 for 19 consecutive seasons, something only the legendary Ty Cobb accomplished.
Five Reasons I've Attended 12 Gay Pride Events
Last Saturday I attended my 12th "Gay Pride" event--this one in Nashville, Tennessee. I've also gone in Washington, DC and Atlanta, Georgia. A friend of mine went to the festivities in San Francisco a couple years ago, returning with video footage and his impressions. They are basically the same as mine with some exceptions.
What Would You Do If Your Child Said, 'I'm Gay'?
"I'm OK - You're OK." That catchy title is repeated oftentimes to this day in counseling parents how to handle a son or daughter revealing they are gay or lesbian. "Don't be judgmental. Convey unconditional love. Accept them as they are. Realize they're born this way. Reassure them you're okay and they're okay in whatever sexual identity they choose."
Sex, Shock 'n Sacrilege: Are You Aware How Dirty Comedy Has Become?
Something is terribly wrong with comedy in our country. Decadence is rapidly replacing decency. If it's offensive, embarrassing and raunchy, you've hit the mark. The more today's comedians can push the envelope, the more they're hailed as cool, hilarious and cutting edge.
Need Encouragement? Revisit the Jesus Movement Because It Rocked America!
In the midst of a very turbulent and discouraging time in our nation's history, God intervened in a supernatural way during a five-year period from 1968 to 1973. A grass roots spiritual movement burst forth on the scene with a soft explosion that revolutionized millions of lives. It was called "The Jesus People Movement."
AIDS and HIV: This Love Story Does Not Have a Happy Ending
On newsstands across America, Entertainment Weekly magazine invites us to purchase the latest issue highlighting the "most important, infuriating, heartbreaking movie of the year." Five sober-faced celebrities, including Julia Roberts, grace the cover along with chilling stats intended to shock sensibilities.
A Botched Execution is No Reason to Banish Capital Punishment
Scripture, not sentiment, must direct the life of an authentic Christian. Misdirected mercy can seem right but it oftentimes entails disobedience to God's clear directives.
Globally Cities Are Being Transformed by the Presence of God!
Here's a question asked often, yet is basically off the mark: "How can we get God to fix America?" Instead we should be asking: "What is holding back the Presence of God which truly can transform America?"