Larry Tomczak
Op-ed contributor
5 Things I Would Say to President Obama If I Were His Pastor
If I was his pastor, I would arrange a private meeting in the Oval Office where I would share the following thoughts with him on the pathway to America regaining it's greatness under godly leadership.
From Beverly Hillbillies to a Bare Bottom, Booty Shakin' Butt Barin', Rump Revolution
Today moms and dads who care about wholesome entertainment for their children and teens have to be ultra-vigilant with TV and computers due to disturbing trends in today's decadent culture.
How I Spent My Summer: 3 Things I Learned From Meeting with Pastors In 30 Cities
This summer I had the distinct privilege of serving Matt Staver, President of Liberty Counsel, in hosting pastors and wives luncheons in 30 cities preparing the way for "Who Will Stand?" citywide events. These rallies will challenge attendees to make a choice to use our voice for righteousness amidst America's downward spiral.
5 Difficult Suicide-Related Situations and How to Handle Them With Humility
Here's the deal: discussing death-related questions to give clear, compassionate and reasonable explanations usually leaves us groping internally for answers and should leave us more humble and dependent on God. If you're not currently facing them, get ready because as pressures increase at the end of the age we'll be faced with more of them.
Should Compassionate Christians Avoid Suicide Related Questions?
For years, I spoke on college campuses using the theme, "What Lies Beyond?" Interest in the subject then as today remains consistently high. Movies and books on the afterlife, paranormal and the unseen realm pique the interest of millions of all ages.
Sending Kids to Concerts: Do You Have a Clue?
Your daughter has turned Sweet 16. Like many her age, a rite of passage is going to a concert or music festival with friends to enjoy the songs, atmosphere and just have some good clean fun.
Ashamed About Masturbation No More: The ABC's to Victory
One person expressed it this way: "I appeal for part 2. This area is epidemic-especially among men. Please don't leave us hanging. We need more info and real solutions!"
'I'm Ashamed to Admit I Have a Problem with Masturbation'
Was Jesus ever tempted sexually?
'Dating Naked' Premieres on TV
A tawdry and titillating TV trend is underway. Seven, that's right, seven shows are being rolled out featuring one central theme: complete nudity.
Archie Comics Now Includes Homosexuality, Witchcraft, Demons and Occult
The comic book character Archie dies saving a homosexual's life.