Larry Tomczak
Op-ed contributor
Can You Vote for Hillary Clinton With a Clear Conscience?
As America enters a presidential campaign season with serious implications, we need to engage in an honest, charitable conversation on Hillary Clinton's history and pursuit of the presidency.
Could Nationwide Gay Nuptials Be Judgment for Cowardly Church Leadership?
For the record, deception can be humorous, humane or harmful. Guess which one has been given a "full-court press" by Gay activists to dupe the masses in America?
Church Is Facing a 'Dietrich Bonhoeffer Moment,' Can No Longer Be Silent
We are facing a "Dietrich Bonhoeffer Moment." You recall that he chose civil disobedience and disobeyed Nazi law that stated that protecting Jewish people was against the law. He was hung for his stand.
Ellen DeGeneres, Bruce Jenner and Dr. Ben Carson: Please, 'Listen Up'
What I previously said to dear Ellen bears repeating. Let's get real and stop pretending that you have no agenda to push regarding LGBTQ themes. Can you simply be honest?
St. Patrick: Banish the Blarney Then Let His Life Inspire You Today
A number of years ago there was a character featured on Saturday Night Live which just celebrated it's 40th anniversary on TV. A depressed-looking, bug-eyed, frumpy woman named Debbie Downer had a knack for sharing negative information when others were trying to celebrate. Hang with me for a moment as this commentary starts with a Debbie Downer moment.
Obama Distorting Muslim Role in America's History
The impression created is one of Muslims being instrumental in establishing the United States of America right from its inception. The narrative highlights their supposed accomplishments and contributions in making our great nation what it is today.
How Do I Stand Up to Marijuana, Gay and Radical Islamic Propaganda?
In cities across America, advocates of the well-funded and well-organized "Yes we Cannabis!" movement are in full swing. So too are the proponents of "Marriage Equality Through Same-sex Unions" and "Islam is a Religion of Peace" promoters.
A Message for President Obama on this 2015 President's Day
Tens of millions of upstanding Americans are disgusted, yet not surprised by the recent revelation of our President's lying regarding his stand on same-sex marriage.
A Word of Warning to a Gay-Approving Nashville Church and Beyond
The Saturday headline in our statewide Tennessean newspaper heralded, "Church Backs Gay Marriage." This story is causing quite a stir.