Larry Tomczak
Op-ed contributor
Will You Endanger Your Son Through Future Involvement in the Boy Scouts?
With the Supreme Court about to announce their ruling and conservative, Catholic Ireland approving homosexual marriage by popular vote, we now face the president of the Boy Scouts of America basically calling for an overhaul of the 105-year-old organization's mission to include homosexual troop leaders!
Assisted Suicide: As We Age, Get Ready, Take This Pill and Die'
After gay marriage, brace yourself for assisted suicide - it's next on the agenda.
Marriage: How'd We Get Here and Where Do We Go from Here?
Pastors and politicians usually have to feel the heat before they see the light. Now we are crossing the Rubicon to face the chilling consequences of this horrible decision.
How the Charleston Calamity Can Change All Our Lives
I came to Christ 45 years ago. What drew me was the love of a black man who picked me up and gave me a lift after my car broke down on the freeway.
Boy Scout Involvement: Will You Endanger Your Son by Allowing Him to Participate?
LGBTQ activism hit us at warp-speed. Many leaders, charged with the responsibility to equip and protect the flock, have dismissed this as negativism and non-urgent. Others listened politely but wanted to avoid controversy, which offends church members and affects giving.
ABC Family; Shame on You For Promoting Perversion to Our Children
Is this a description of what's happening in our culture today, especially as it relates to the entertainment industry? And are you aware of the latest offering being put forth on ABC Family to further pervert the lives of our children and grandchildren?
Persevere: The Word That Captures How Christians Continue Confidently Amidst Cultural Collapse
As we await the Supreme Court ruling that may tip the scales in a way that may accelerate judgment on our land, may perseverance be our watchword.
Abortion and Gay Marriage in America: A Pledge to Persevere
"When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people…" with these words our Declaration of Independence begins.
After 8 Years of Fighting to Protect Traditional Marriage, I Predict Gay Marriage Will Become a 'Constitutional Right'
For over eight years I have been involved in the battle to protect natural, biblical marriage. Soon, the most consequential ruling in the Supreme Court's 226-year history will be revealed.
Did Attorney's Advocating for Gay Marriage Tell SCOTUS of Disease and Diminished Lifespans of Many Gay Men?
"Chief Justice Roberts and esteemed members of the Court, while you will hear our efforts to persuade you to legalize gay marriage today, we must be mindful of serious, elevated health risks the gay lifestyle brings to multitudes. We must be responsible to examine medical data carefully…"