Peter Heck
Op-Ed Contributor
Christian university presidents foolishly join hate crimes push
For years, left-leaning social activists have been attempting to push “hate crimes” legislation through Indiana’s part-time legislature and onto the Governor’s desk. Much to the chagrin of complicit state media like the Indy Star, which threw away any sense of objectivity on the issue a long time ago, it hasn’t happened to this point. But that may be about to change.
The Supreme Court Ruled Against Fascism, Not Gay People
The reactions revealed not just how divided the country has become on the culture front, but also how much the media is to blame for that division. When it comes to LGBT issues, media have become hopelessly dishonest and unreliable.
Yes, I am a Privileged Christian
Much has been made about the diversity workshop at George Washington University that will teach students and faculty to combat "Christian privilege" in our culture. As a Christian myself I'm acutely aware of how privileged I am. You want to know what privilege is? True privilege? It's that "while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
Anti-Christian Bigotry Surfacing in Republican Primaries
To say that the Republican Party has changed in recent years is to state the obvious. Once a comfortable home for Christ followers, there is an emerging strain of anti-Christian bigotry that continues to surface from party elites, fundraisers, as well as corporate and wealthy donors.
My Unpopular Opinion About Student Activist David Hogg
Right now, gun control activists love the David Hogg. They've elevated him, promoted him, put him in front of cameras, invited him onto their talk shows, tweeted about him and retweeted virtually every thought that comes from his smart phone.
The Mainstream Media Should Let Parkland Kids Heal
Many media outlets used the Parkland tragedy as a tool to advance their narrative on gun control.
Pass These Defensive Laws Now to Protect Kids, Then Argue Over Guns
Lawmakers must ignore the perpetual gun debate for now and move immediately to enact defensive legislation.
Christians Should Pay Attention to the Firing of This Gay Teacher
Every Christian, and particularly every Christian school in America should be paying attention to what is happening to Saints Peter and Paul Catholic School in Miami!
Indiana University Has Their Own Larry Nassar
Those who rightly celebrate the end of one monster's career should not ignore the reign of another abuser.
Face It: People Want Hook-Ups, Sex and Perhaps a Better Love
There's more to the Christian sexual ethic than a despotic list of don'ts.