Ray Nothstine
Christian Post Reporter
Donald Trump: 'I'm Not Sure If I Ever Asked God's Forgiveness'
At the Family Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa on Saturday, Donald Trump says he's not sure if he's asked God for forgiveness, while slamming Senator John McCain and President Barack Obama.
Some House Lawmakers Knew About Planned Parenthood Video Weeks Before It Went Public
House Republicans are calling for investigations into Planned Parenthood after a video surfaced of the popular abortion provider selling aborted baby organs, but some federal lawmakers admitted to seeing the viral video weeks ago.
ISIS to Benefit From Iran Nuclear Deal?
One expert claims that terror group ISIS will reap benefits from the Obama administration's nuclear weapons deal with Iran, while others disagree.
ISIS Releases Execution Video of 1,700 Iraqi Recruits Found in Mass Graves in Tikrit
In what is being described as one of ISIS' most brutal videos, hundreds of young Iraqi military cadets in Tikrit were machine gunned to death while lying face-down in mass graves.
Justice Kennedy Likens Gay Marriage Opposition to Flag Burning Case: Opponents Will Dissipate in 'Two or Three Months'
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy compared opposition to the court's landmark ruling ending legal opposition to same-sex marriage to a 1989 decision that said freedom to burn an American flag is protected speech.
6 Interesting Facts About Scott Walker's Christian Faith
Part of Walker's appeal to conservative supporters is that he has emerged victorious from multiple political assaults from the left. Below are six facts about the faith of Scott Walker.
Planned Parenthood Says It's a Victim of Deceptive Editing After Abortion Doc Is Caught Feasting Over Sell of Baby Body Parts
David Dalieden, project lead for the undercover video that caught a Planned Parenthood abortionist talking about selling aborted babies' body parts, has fired back at the organization's claims that the investigative report was "heavily edited" and "falsely portrays" its "mission."
Senior Catholic Official Praises Immigration for Reviving Christianity in the UK
Cardinal Vincent Nichols, the senior Roman Catholic official in the U.K., is praising immigration for reviving the Christian faith in a "weary, western secularized culture."
Planned Parenthood Caught Selling Aborted Baby Body Parts in Undercover Video: 'We Get Heart, Lung, Liver'
An in-depth undercover video released Tuesday shows a Planned Parenthood abortionist discussing how the billion dollar organization harvests and sells the intact body parts of aborted babies to fetal tissue wholesalers.
Churches Opposed to Gay Marriage Would Be Protected from IRS Under Proposed House Republican Bill
A bill introduced to protect churches and religious organizations from IRS and other federal punishment may be gaining steam according to lawmakers, only one Democrat co-sponsors "religious freedom" bill.