Roger McKinney
Roger D. McKinney lives in Broken Arrow, OK with his wife, Jeanie. He has three children and six grandchildren. He earned an M.A. in economics from the University of Oklahoma and B.A.s from the University of Tulsa and Baptist Bible College. He has written two books, Financial Bull Riding and God is a Capitalist: Markets from Moses to Marx, and articles for the Affluent Christian Investor, the Foundation for Economic Education, The Mises Institute, the American Institute for Economic Research and Townhall Finance. Previous articles can be found at facebook.com/thechristiancapitalist. He is a conservative Baptist and promoter of the Austrian school of economics.
How Child Tax Credit expansion will hurt children
Who could oppose giving more to poor children? That would be like opposing the rescue of drowning puppies ... it changes the incentives for labor supply and capital, and these changes are larger than the effects on household consumption
How Christianity and capitalism lifted South Korea out of centuries of poverty
The two Koreas that emerged from the disaster of war offer a case study in what causes economic development, that is, poverty reduction.
Railroad strike shows unions violate Biblical principles
With their threat to strike, railroad unions are holding a gun to the heads of American consumers
FTX’s greed, corruption isn't capitalism's fault
Neither capitalism nor socialism “produce people.” We inherited our evil natures from Adam and Eve. And capitalism didn’t create the corrupt political system we suffer from today; socialist policies did.
Christian theologian wrongly blames free market for ecological crisis
There is a strong correlation between economic freedom (capitalism) and a clean environment. The nations with the worst pollution are former socialist ones or corrupt “emerging” market countries.
Anti-capitalist theologian ignores Jesus’ endorsement of wages
Theologians who claim wage labor is slavery don’t know that this assertion came directly from Marx who held to the labor theory of value.
Capitalism punishes greed
We need to keep in mind that attributing greed to someone is claiming that we have God’s ability to see the motives of others, which we don’t have.
Lazy theology leads to socialism
Dr. Mike Frost, founding director of the Tinsley Institute in Sydney, Australia and author or editor of nineteen theological books, gave five reasons he thinks capitalism is not Christian ... Let’s look at these complaints more closely.
The U.S. government, not climate change, caused massive damage from Ian
Hurricane Ian will have destroyed as much as $50 billion, one of the most expensive in history, and the media tends to blame climate change. But the real culprit is the U.S. government.