William Wolfe
Op-ed contributor
Christmas is the culture war
Christmas is the Culture War. And in this war, we are not just soldiers. We are victors. Christmas guarantees it.
Why Christians celebrating Christmas should embrace the Advent tradition
If you’ve never fully embraced Advent, try it this year.
Babies for sale? A recent announcement sparks surrogacy debate among conservatives
Men and women, mothers and fathers, are not interchangeable. They never have been and they never will be.
Street preacher shooting serves as stark warning in anti-Christian America
Christians can both pray for our enemies, preach the Gospel and push for changes in our society to roll back this dark and rising tide of anti-Christian persecution.
The connection between support for Black Lives Matter and Hamas
Too many Evangelical leaders got this wrong over the last decade. Now, with BLM linking arms with Hamas, will they finally get it right?
What does the Bible tell us about bearing false witness?
In our digital media-driven society, the opportunity for bearing false witness, and destroying someone’s reputation through lies and slander, has proliferated fast and furiously alongside the dozens of social media apps that put a microphone, camera, and keyboard into the hands of billions around the globe.
The Left loses its mind – new House speaker talks about God, gov't
Christians across the country should rightly rejoice that a bold man of faith is now holding so much power once again in American politics.
The scandal of the Evangelical spine: Unelected 'evangellyfish'
When viewed rightly, the Evangelical mind is alive and well, but I would suggest there is a much greater scandal plaguing Evangelicals — the scandal of the Evangelical spine.
Biblical worldview: Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide
While Christians are deeply sympathetic to those facing suffering and terminal illness, they believe that the answer lies in trusting God and offering support, rather than taking matters of life and death into human hands.
How to defeat the 'woke mind virus'
The famous English author G.K. Chesterton once speculated that “We shall soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four, in which furious party cries will be raised against anybody who says that cows have horns, in which people will persecute the heresy of calling a triangle a three-sided figure, and hang a man for maddening mob with the news that grass is green.”