10 Interesting Things to See at the New Museum of the Bible: Sneak Preview

1. Dead Sea Scrolls?
The museum's "History of the Bible" exhibit takes visitors through the earliest days of Scripture all the way up to the King James Bible.
On display in this exhibit are a collection of fragments that purport to be a part of the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Dead Sea Scrolls are believed to be the oldest surviving fragments of biblical accounts.
The fragments were discovered between 1947 and 1956 in a series of 11 caves in the Judean Desert.
The museum does make sure to note that there is some question to the authenticity of the fragments in the museum's collection as research continues.
"There is lots of research still going on. The museum has done a great deal of research and last year published a volume on the initial findings on them. There are diverse opinions on the authenticity of those pieces," Lazenby told CP. "Some scholars feel they are [authentic] and some scholars feel there is evidence that at least some of them are not real."