Andy Stanley talks politics ahead of 2020 election; 4 interesting takeaways
How to choose between two evils

As part of the Jan. 26 sermon, Stanley told his congregation that it is OK to support a given political party or candidate provided they call out troubling aspects of their agenda.
“When forced to choose between the lesser of two evils, you still have to call out the evil,” stated the pastor, “not for our sake and not even for our party’s sake, [but] for the world’s sake.”
“When forced to choose between two imperfect candidates, two imperfect platforms, and imperfect planks within the platform, we have to call out those imperfections.”
This echoes the comments of Southern Baptist Convention President J.D. Greear, who told The Christian Post in an interview last May that churches “have to be clear on the things that we disagree with as much as we champion the things that we agree with in our particular candidate.”
“If you feel like that at the end of the day Trump is the right one or the better of the options, be clear about the dignity of the immigrant. Be clear about the need for righteousness and purity in our leaders,” said Greear.
“If at the end of the day you look at it and feel like whoever the Democratic candidate is, you feel like that of all the different things, this is the better of the options, well that’s great. Make sure you’re clear about the wickedness of abortion. Make sure you’re clear about the preciousness of religious liberty.”