9 Reactions to Trump's Call to Bar Muslims From the US

Many prominent Christian and political figures are denouncing Donald Trump for his call Monday to temporarily bar Muslims from entering the United States. Trump made the remarks on the deck of the USS Yorktown in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina.
A statement released by the Trump campaign reads: "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."
The statement continues: "Most recently, a poll from the Center for Security Policy released data showing '25 percent of those polled agreed that violence against Americans here in the United States is justified as a part of the global jihad,' and 51 percent of those polled, 'agreed that Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to Shariah."
The GOP frontrunner read part of his statement and expanded on it during his South Carolina stump speech Monday.
Below are nine responses to Trump's call to ban Muslims from the U.S.

1. Rev. Dr. Geoff Tunnicliffe, former secretary-general for the World Evangelical Alliance from 2005 to 2014, and chairman of Christian Media Corp International.
"While we recognize the need for each country to protect its people from threat it is unfortunate that Donald Trump's comments feed a narrative that can further fuel radical movements around the world," Tunnicliffe declared.
"Trump's comments stem from a position of fear and can be used to mobilize even more people to join groups like ISIS. The vast majority of Christians in the world believe that no one should be discriminated against based on religious belief.
"To exhibit such xenophobic nationalistic attitudes directly contravenes the biblical concepts of loving our neighbor," said Tunnicliffe. Muslim people around the world need to know that Trump's views do not represent the vast majority of Christians. We believe in building bridges and not putting up walls. This is the way of Jesus. And we as His follower can be united in hearts to reflect His love to the world."
2. Reince Priebus, chairman of the National Republican Committee.
"I don't agree. We need to aggressively take on radical Islamic terrorism, but not at the expense of our American values."
3. Russell Moore, president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission.
"It is not in spite of our Gospel conviction, but precisely because of it, that we should stand for religious liberty for everyone, wrote Moore in an op-ed published in The Christian Post on Tuesday.
"A government that issues ID badges for Muslims simply because they are Muslims can, in the fullness of time, demand the same for Christians because we are Christians," he added.
4. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan.
"This is not conservatism," said Ryan during a Tuesday press conference. "What was proposed yesterday is not what this party stands for and, more importantly, it's not what this country stands for."
"Some of our best and biggest allies in this struggle and fight against radical Islamic terror are Muslims, the vast, vast, vast majority of whom are people who believe in pluralism, freedom, democracy, individual rights," he added.
5. GOP frontrunner Donald Trump chimed in on his own remarks.
"They've been condemning practically everything I say and then they come to my side," he said of the GOP field. "They were condemning the wall, they were condemning illegal immigration, they were condemning all of the things I've been espousing. And now most of them are on my side."
6. Geert Wilders, leader of the Dutch Party for Freedom and frequent critic of Islam.
"I hope @realDonaldTrump will be the next U.S. President. Good for America, good for Europe. We need brave leaders," tweeted the Dutch politician.
7. Hillary Clinton, former secretary of state and Democrat frontrunner for president.
"Trump's hateful comments aren't just an affront to our values — they're a threat to our national security," said Clinton Tuesday on Twitter.
"Declaring war on Islam or demonizing Muslim Americans is not only counter to our values — it plays right into the hands of terrorists," Clinton declared on Monday.
8. Pastor Mark Burns, founder and president of the Now Network.
"I want to protect my church in Easley, South Carolina. I want to protect my wife. Every father watching wants to make sure their families are protected and that is all Mr. Trump is doing," declared Burns.
"And remember again, as I am stating, it is just a temporary solution," he added in a Monday interview with CNN.
9. Jeb Bush, former Florida governor and presidential candidate.
"Donald Trump is unhinged. His "policy" proposals are not serious," declared Bush on Twitter.